International Supercomputer Conference 2005 Issues Call for Papers

ISC2005, the International Supercomputer Conference which celebrates its 20th year in 2005, has issued a call for papers in three HPC areas, with the selected authors to be awarded the ISC Award sponsored by IBM. The deadline for submissions is Monday, Feb. 21, 2005. ISC2005, the leading supercomputing event in Europe, is the premier venue for gaining an international perspective in the field of HPC. Combining a strong lineup of technical experts with exhibits from leading supercomputing centers, as well as hardware and software vendors, ISC presents state-of-the-art applications, architectures and trends in supercomputing. The conference will be held June 21-24, 2005, in Heidelberg, with the conference program conducted in English. “As ISC marks its twentieth anniversary as Europe’s leading HPC conference, we are very pleased to also announce the second year of the ISC Award, which adds another dimension to the conference program with this call for papers,” said Conference Chairman Prof. Hans Werner Meuer of the University of Mannheim. “With IBM’s sponsorship of this award, we hope to attract a very strong field of papers, which will make the program even stronger and more useful for attendees.” The ISC Award was established at ISC2004 to promote and reward innovative supercomputing researchers who have distinguished themselves through state-of-the-art projects. For 2005, papers are invited in any of the following three fields of high performance computing: • Tools and Techniques for Code Optimization on HPC Systems • Data Management on Distributed Systems and Grids • High Performance I/O All three winners will be awarded a two-way rack mountable IBM eServer OpenPower system fully configured as a building block for a cluster. IBM announced Linux on Power in January 2004, and in March 2004 opened the Power architecture to the industry to increase innovation. OpenPower takes that innovation a step further by combining the only open microprocessor in the industry with the open operating system developed by the technology community. Authors of the winning papers will also receive round-trip transportation (economy class) to the ISC2005 conference in Heidelberg and complimentary registration for the conference and the related social events. (Winners will be responsible for the cost of their accommodations at the conference.) Contributions in English are solicited. Extended abstracts of not less than four pages should be submitted in electronic form to the Chairman of the Award Committee (Michael Resch, HLRS, Germany, by Monday, February 21, 2005. Formats can be either Acrobat .pdf or Word .doc. Abstracts should clearly describe the contents of the contribution. The relevance and originality of the contribution must be stated and important references included. The preferred topic area has to be indicated. All contributions will be refereed. Winning contributions presented at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings. The Award Committee will choose one contribution for each topic for an award. Winners will present their contribution as part of the technical program of ISC2005. Award Committee members are Arndt Bode, Technical University, Munich, Germany; Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, USA; Alan Gara, IBM, USA; Pierre Leca, Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), France; Thomas Ludwig, University of Heidelberg, Germany; Ron Perrott, University of Belfast, UK; Michael Resch, High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, Germany (chairman); Satoshi Sekiguchi, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan; and Horst Simon, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), USA. The annual conference is held in Heidelberg, the home of Germany’s oldest university as well as a thriving modern research community. For more information about the conference, go to .