Internet2 Commons Offers Universities Scalable, Easy-to-Use Video Collaboration

WASHINGTON -- Internet2(R) today announced the launch of the first videoconferencing service from the Internet2 Commons, making group collaboration through videoconferencing as simple as traditional phone conferencing. Network technologies and H.323 video and audio standards combine to create an affordable and accessible service for Internet2's members and partners. "The Internet2 Commons grew out of our members' needs for effective tools for face-to-face meetings," said Ted Hanss, Director of Applications for Internet2. "Internet2 Commons subscribers can easily reserve videoconferencing ports for time-sensitive meetings such as remote research collaborations and regularly scheduled distance learning classes. They can also set-up multi-party videoconferences on the spur-of-the-moment." Tyler Johnson, Telecom Systems Analyst at the University of North Carolina added, "This latest videoconferencing service is a vital stride in developing virtual collaboration environments, which can increase efficiencies in higher education and research. The affordable cost and easily deployable technology of the Internet2 Commons makes it the videoconferencing service of choice for the higher education community." For subscribers, the Internet2 Commons provides the equipment, staffing, and expertise to run this new H.323 service, which has been in development for two years. H.323 video and audio standards for Internet Protocol-based communications allow various vendor endpoints to seamlessly and compatibly connect to one another. The Internet2 Commons Videoconferencing Service via H.323 is provided for the Internet2 community in order to create a global, collaborative environment. The larger goal of the Internet2 Commons is to expand IP-based collaboration opportunities for the Internet2 research and education community, allowing members to work together more effectively over advanced networks in support of research and education. Visit to participate in the Internet2 Commons videoconferencing service.