Interview with Horst Simon about HPC Strategies in the US

“The Earth Simulator has been a wake-up call for both scientists and political officials” One of the keynotes at Europe's main supercomputer event, the International Supercomputing Conference in Heidelberg ISC2003, 24 - 27 June, will be delivered by Horst Simon. Dr. Simon is one of the most renowned HPC experts in the world. He graduated in Mathematics from the Technical University of Berlin in 1978 and obtained his Ph.D. at the University of California at Berkley in 1982. Since 1996 he is the director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), which is located at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley (California). This interview for Supercomputing Online about HPC Strategies in the US was conducted by Christoph Pöppe, editor of ”Spektrum der Wissenschaft,” the German version of “Scientific American.” Supercomputing Online: Last year in April, Japan started up the "Earth Simulator" which is five times faster than ASCI White, the fastest computer to that date. It was said that the Americans were hit by the “Computenik-Shock” comparable to the Sputnik shock of 1957. Was the Earth Simulator such a surprise for the experts? Horst Simon: It was not the computer itself. Japanese colleagues had talked with us about the project already several years before it was officially announced in April 2002. The big surprise was that the producer NEC not only delivered and installed the Earth Simulator on time but that it also delivered results so quickly. For that to be a surprise one has to know that among the U.S. manufacturers unfortunately a “culture of delays” has established itself: long-announced innovations almost predictably seem to arrive three to six months after the announced date. Given the US experience with vendors, it was a surprise that the machine arrived on time, as contracted with the vendor NEC several years back. The second surprise: After visiting Japan in 2000 and 2001 and based on discussions there, I had expected the Earth Simulator to reach a sustained performance of about 10 teraflop/s on scientific applications. However, one of the first results from Japan was that it succeeded in reaching 27 out of 40 possible teraflop/s running a climate application. This is outstanding performance, both in absolute terms as well as in the sustained-to-peak performance ratio, and it was awarded the Gordon Bell Price last fall at SC2002. Supercomputing Online: The Earth Simulator consists of single vector computers, an architecture that outside of Japan is regarded to be mostly outdated. Is the Earth Simulator so successful because of or in spite of its vector architecture? Simon: Neither . The important architectural feature is that the Earth Simulator is designed around bandwidth. It provides large processor-to-memory bandwidth, and with a custom designed crossbar switch, also a huge bisection bandwidth. In the case of climate simulations, for example, it is typical that the ratio of floating point operations to memory references is about one. For this example, the architecture of the Earth Simulator is very well balanced by providing the extra memory bandwidth and thus is able to obtain a high sustained performance. Supercomputing Online: Is there a single identifiable reason for this success? Simon: The willingness to spend a lot of money! Bandwidth for memory access is simply very expensive. If the U.S. government is also ready to pay $400 million for a supercomputer, then we can do the same. For example, the design of the Cray X-1 also has very good bandwidth, but building machines like the X-1 is very expensive. They are custom designed and targeted to a relatively small market in scientific applications, so they cannot leverage the engineering cost over a large customer base, like machines built for commercial applications. An important question that we have to ask ourselves now is, “Is it worth the extra expense to pay for bandwidth for scientific applications?”.Obviously, it does not make sense to pay five times the price for doubling the sustained to peak ratio, but it would very well worth the investment to pay twice the price for a five times higher sustained to peak ratio. The sustained to peak performance ratio is a very poorly determined quantity because it strongly depends on the kind of application. For example, at NERSC we have done an analysis of the SX-6 performance and found that the percent of peak ranged from 2.1 percent for molecular dynamics to 55 percent for an astrophysics application. We find the same wide range of performance ratios on the IBM Power 3 and Power 4, with very different applications at the extreme ends of the performance scale. At NERSC we are very much looking forward to having a Cray X-1 available at ORNL. We are planning to collaborate very closely with ORNL in the evaluation of this new machine. It will be important to understand how much sustained performance can be achieved on this platform. Supercomputing Online: What happens next in the U.S.? Simon: Our colleagues from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have already announced ASCI-Purple. This will be an IBM computer that is equipped with Power 5 processors. The delivery is planned for the end of 2004; peak performance will be 100 teraflop/s. Supercomputing Online: Are there any other new developments in the US? Simon: Yes, I think we are gradually departing from the strict either-or-attitude which roughly says: Either a supercomputer consists entirely out of inexpensive commodity technology, e.g. all types of cluster architectures; or all parts of the computer are special purpose and custom designed, e.g. the Cray X1. I find the most interesting development to that new architectures are appearing that are geared specifically for scientific simulations and combine mass-produced and customized components Hopefully this will produce the best of both worlds, lower cost because of the use of commodity parts, and higher performance for science, because of custom integration. The project “Red Storm” is such a combination, consisting of approximately 80 percent commodity parts and the decisive 20 percent is specially developed hardware. Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque (New Mexico) have done a careful analysis of their applications requirements and developed the concept of this architecture themselves and then gave Cray the contract for the production. The processors are commodity Opteron processors from AMD. Opteron enables 64-bit technology on the x86 platform for a very high processor performance at a mass market price. Red Storm will feature a custom designed interconnect. What I find fascinating is that Sandia succeeded in taking concepts from two of the most successful MPPs in the 1990s, the Cray T3E and the Intel ASCI Red platform, and evolving them into highly balanced new machine with 2004 technology. The project “Blue Planet”, which we at NERSC are developing in collaboration with IBM and others could potentially deliver twice the sustained performance of the Earth Simulator at half the price. IBM had already decided on how their commercial machines in 2005/2006 should look like, and NERSC in collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory (Illinois) and the IBM systems developers have suggested a number of changes which should significantly enhance the performance for scientific purposes. One of the most important concepts is the use of ViVA, the virtual vector architecture. What we have done here is examined a commercially developed architecture, and suggested improvements that will significantly enhance the sustained performance of scientific applications. Supercomputing Online: Will “Blue Planet” be installed in your center? Simon: We are very confident about the viability of our project, but even at half the cost of the Earth Simulato,r this still means $200 million or more. So far, this level of investment has never been made for a civilian basic research center in the U.S. But I think that the situation is right that a project like this could happen. Congress seems to be very favorable to science in general and basic research in particular. The Office of Science at DOE has made a computing initiative its highest priority. We have also started a close collaboration with LLNL, which is interested in some of the Blue Planet architecture features for ASCI Purple. IBM received a lot of interest in the Blue Planet concept and has given presentations to more than 40 sites. Supercomputing Online: So, there won’t be an answer to the Earth Simulator from the U.S.? Simon: Not this year and probably not next year.. The plans for the FY2004 budget do not allow for an appreciable increase in high performance computing. But the most important fact is that the Earth Simulator has been a wake-up call for both scientists and political officials. More than ten years ago, the HPCC (high performance computing and communications) initiative was launched and successfully extended the dominance of the U.S. in supercomputing hardware and software. But for about the past six years, this field has not gotten any new boost. The petaflop/s-computing efforts did not yield any results because there were no new grants that followed. We have been coasting along, leveraging what we could from the commercial market. But we have reached the point where commercial and scientific interests in high performance computing are diverging. The problem of divergence is now being broadly addressed. The National Academy of Sciences started a study about the future of supercomputing. The new High Computing Revitalization Task Force (HECRTF) was established in March 2003 to coordinate the strategy of several agencies. This level of interest and excitement has not been there for the last eight years, and it was sparked by the Earth Simulator. Supercomputing Online: In recent years, a lot of the HPC community has focused on “grid computing”: Obtaining high effective computing power by combining computers at different locations and having them work in parallel on the same problem. Can a grid satisfy the needs of the users of your center? And what do you think of Thomas Sterling’s pronouncement that his own child, the Beowulf-Cluster, is dead? Simon: Thomas Sterling has two children. The Beowulf PC cluster is one of them. The other is the HTMT (hybrid technology multithreaded system) and this was the only serious architecture study that could have reached a performance in the petaflop/s range before 2008. To achieve such a goal with PC clusters is unrealistic. That was what Thomas Sterling meant when he pronounced Beowulf dead in Baltimore last year. In the meantime, he is pursuing a new project called Cascade collaborating with Burton Smith at Cray. The first machines of this type are expected for 2009. This one of DARPA's HPCS projects. PC cluster and grid computing are often mentioned together. They are, however, basically different things. A cluster is best suited for the needs of a single department or research group. At LBNL we have (or have planned) about a dozen PCclusters, ranging from 32 to 512 processors and are separate from NERSC’s high performance-computing platform. The clusters are very useful tools for scientists. Some of these cluster users may eventually move their research onto NERSC’s 6,656-processor IBM, and some will continue to compute on increasingly powerful clusters. I don't see any competition with Earth Simulator class machines they are different tools for different purposes. Grid computing lies sort of orthogonal to high performance computing. The grid is often compared with the power supply network. Tony Hey, one of the leading scientists of the UK e-science initiative, gave me a great quote. He likes to scoff at people who think that the grid would make high performance computers dispensable. “Why do we need power plants? We get our electricity from the wall outlets”. High performance computers are like the power plants for the grid. We need the grid and associated middleware to connect resources such as data archives and unique experimental facilities with the users. And we need supercomputers to power the grid. Supercomputing Online: And the little PC user who puts his computing power into the grid? Simon: This is not what I understand as grid computing. Connecting a thousand PCs via the Internet may be useful for a few applications; but for tightly coupled high performance computing applications it is not interesting. A thousand times nothing is still nothing. --------------------------- Web links: Homepage of Horst Simon: Internationale Supercomputer-Conference ISC003 in Heidelberg, 24.-27. June 2003, with the presentation of the hit list TOP500 containing the 500 fastest supercomputers of the world: The US wed site related to the Earth simulator: Presentation of the project "Blue Planet": Press release about signing the contracts for "Red Storm": Press release about signing the contracts for "ASCI Purple": Performance of the SX-6 compared to Power 3 and Power 4 on a suite of applications: