Notable Figures in High Performance Computing to Speak at SC2002

BALTIMORE, Some of the world’s biggest names in high performance computing and networking research, including National Science Foundation Director Rita Colwell, will speak at SC2002, to be held Nov. 16-22 at the Baltimore Convention Center. All plenary sessions will be netcast, taking advantage of the unique capabilities of SCinet, the conference’s state-of-the-art onsite network. The plenary talks will provide attendees with information that comes straight from the sources: the people involved in the most cutting-edge research and those who create the technological innovations that will change the world. Speakers include key scientific leaders and notable researchers involved in major projects in astrophysics, environmental science, and medicine. "Our plenary speakers are some of the most visionary and talented professionals in science and high-performance computing today," said Dan Reed, SC2002 Technical Program chair and director of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. "We greatly appreciate their willingness to take the time to share their insights with the participants in the SC2002 technical program. I am confident that these sessions will encourage discussion and stimulate new ideas among the audience members," added SC2002 General Chair Roscoe Giles. Speakers include: • Rita Colwell, director, National Science Foundation. Computing: Getting us on the Path to Wisdom. Colwell will cover advances in computation that have brought society to a new era of transforming data into knowledge. • Raymond Orbach, director, Department of Energy Office of Science. Scientific Discovery Through High End Computation. Orbach will discuss the contributions of high performance computing to scientific accomplishments. • Julian Borrill, staff scientist, Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Computing the Cosmos: from Big Bang to Black Holes. Borrill will talk about the ultimate astrophysics simulation: the entire history of the universe, from the creation of spacetime in the Big Bang to its local negation in a black hole singularity. • Tetsuya Sato, director-general, The Earth Simulator Center, Japan Marine Science and Technology Center. The Earth Simulator. Sato will review the progress of the reliable prediction of global environmental changes using the Earth Simulator, the world' s fastest supercomputer, which was designed to create a "virtual planet Earth" based on a vast volume of data sent from satellites, buoys, and other worldwide observation points. • Ron Kikinis, director, Surgical Planning Laboratory, Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School. High Performance Computing for Image Guided Therapy. Kikinis will explain image guided therapy (IGT), which allows surgeons to see through tissue. He will present examples of the successful execution of IGT in real surgical and interventional procedures. To see a schedule for Plenary sessions, go to http:// and click on “Plenaries.” To register for SC2002, go to