WHAT: "Delivering Technology Leadership for Life Sciences," an executive summit jointly sponsored by SGI and the Delaware Biotechnology Institute (DBI), will address the impact of technology on life sciences research today, focusing on such compelling issues as homeland security and drug discovery. The summit features a distinguished roster of researchers from leading pharmaceutical companies and bioinformatics organizations, including one of the creators of a new national disaster response concept known as Cybercare, which addresses homeland security through a combination of technology and healthcare initiatives. Other highlights include talks by Jack Collins of the National Cancer Institute and scientists from Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Bayer HealthCare and AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, among many other esteemed speakers from academia and the private sector. Held at the University of Delaware, summit attendees will tour DBI's new Visualization Center, which applies the latest high-performance computing and visualization technology to various life and chemical sciences research disciplines. Speakers will discuss how this technology is helping them to accelerate their studies in areas such as biology, bioterrorism and pharmacology. WHO: The day begins with a welcome address by Karl Steiner, Ph.D., director, Delaware Biotechnology Institute, and includes the following guest speakers and topics (in order of scheduled appearance): *Guang Gao, Ph.D., professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, director, Center for Bioinformatics, DBI, University of Delaware, "The Role of High-Performance Computing in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics" *Eng Lim Goh, Ph.D., chief technology officer, SGI, "Outlook for High-Performance Computing in the Life Sciences" *Robert Bruccoleri, Ph.D., research fellow, Applied Genomics, Bristol-Myers Squibb, *"Delivering the Promise of Bioinformatics" *Eliot Grigg, research associate, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, "Cybercare: Combining Healthcare and Computing Technology for Homeland Defense" *Joseph Cerro, head of informatics, Bayer Corporation, Pharmaceutical Division, "Chips and Choices: Informatics and Research Productivity" *Jack Collins, Advanced Biomedical Computing Center, National Cancer Institute, "Trends and Challenges in High-Performance Computing and Computational Biology" (Tentative title) *George Shields, Ph.D., professor and chair of Chemistry, Hamilton College, director, MERCURY, "Formation of MERCURY and Acquisition of High-Performance Computers to Support Research in Undergraduate Computational Chemistry across New York and New England" *Russ Miller, Ph.D., director, Center for Computational Research, University at Buffalo, "The Buffalo Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics: Utilizing HPC and Visualization Technologies to Support University and Bio-Incubator Environments" *Anastasia Christianson, Ph.D., associate director, Enabling Science and Technology, Bioinformatics, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, "Bioinformatics in Drug Discovery" WHEN/WHERE: Thursday, October 3, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. DBI at the University of Delaware 15 Innovation Way Newark, Delaware PHOTO OPP: 3-5 p.m. tour of DBI's new Visualization Center (same address), a theater-like setting for immersive visualization and virtual walk-throughs of scientific graphical data FURTHER INFORMATION: