Early Registration Deadline August 26 for LCI’s Third International Conference

The Linux Cluster Institute Third International Conference on Linux Clusters, called The Linux HPC Revolution, will be held Oct. 23-25, 2002, in St. Petersburg, FLA. The deadline for early registration is Aug. 26, 2002. Registration closes on Sept. 30. See http://www.linuxclustersinstitute.org/Linux-HPC-Revolution for more information or to register. The Linux HPC Revolution is a conference organized by the Linux Clusters Institute (LCI) for users and administrators of high performance Linux clusters. The conference is the premier international forum for Linux clusters users and system administrators to share information on management, administration, and scientific computing techniques and tools on Linux clusters. The conference will feature keynote presentations from Dan Reed, director of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and chief architect of the National Science Foundation’s TeraGrid project; and William Pulleyblank, director of Exploratory Server Systems in IBM's Research Division and director of the IBM Deep Computing Institute. In addition the conference program committee has selected more than 25 technical papers on a broad range of topics related to systems integration, operation and support, end user applications, tools, and experiences. Authors work in academia, research labs, and industries involved in Linux cluster-based high-performance computing. These speakers will address efforts to integrate and develop science and engineering applications for Linux clusters in order to achieve maximum performance and scalability. Topics include (but are not limited to) the following: *Performance Evaluation, Analysis, and Optimization *Performance Tools, debuggers, and Environments *High Performance Applications and Libraries *Experiences in Development of Highly Parallel Applications *System Management and Administration *Tools for Building and Administrating Clusters *Scheduling and Load Balancing *Resource Management *Network, Interconnects, and Protocols *Middleware for Clusters *Meta- and Grid-Computing *Parallel I/O, File Systems, and Storage *Autonomic computing *Security *Compilers *New Experimental and Commercial Linux Clusters Steering Committee: Robert Ballance - HPCERC/UNM Luiz DeRose - IBM Research Frank Gilfeather - HPCERC/UNM David Klepacki - IBM Research Becky McGreal - NCSA/UIUC Pratap Pattnaik - IBM Research Daniel Reed - NCSA/UIUC Candace Shirley - HPCERC/UNM John Towns - NCSA/UIUC Program Committee: Gianfranco Bilardi - University of Padova, Italy Stefano Cozzini - INFM - Sissa, Italy Cesar DeRose - CPAD - PUCRS/HP, Brazil Jack Dongarra - University of Tennessee, USA Thomas Fahringer - University of Vienna, Austria Efstratios Gallopoulos - University of Patras, Greece Steve Hill - IBM, UK Haeng Jin Jang - KISTI, South Korea Werner Krotz-Vogel - Pallas, Germany Jesus Labarta - Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain Sangsan Lee - KISTI, South Korea Tim Mattson - Intel, USA Bart Miller - University of Wisconsin, USA Bern Mohr - Research Center Juliech, Germany Shirley Moore - University of Tennessee, USA John-Paul Navarro - Argonne National Lab, USA Takashi Ohta - IBM Tokyo Research Lab, Japan Jairo Panetta - INPE/CPTEC, Brazil Rob Pennington - NCSA, USA Mikael Pettersson - Uppsala University, Sweden Christoph Pospiech - IBM, Germany Neil Pundit - SNL, USA Faisal Saied - NCSA, USA Nils Smeds - KTH, Sweden Brian Smith - University of New Mexico, USA Rick Stevens - Argonne National Lab, USA Francois Thomas - IBM, France Jeff Vetter - LLNL, USA