Linux NetworX Names Hill Pres/CEO and Daines Chairman of the Board

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH -- Linux NetworX, a provider of powerful and easy-to-manage cluster supercomputing solutions, announced today Stephen Hill has been named president and CEO and Bernard Daines has been elected chairman of the board. Former Linux NetworX Vice President Stephen Hill replaces Glen Lowry as president and CEO. Daines, a recognized expert in the networking and Ethernet industry, has been a member of the company's board of directors for more than two years. As president and CEO, Hill will direct overall company strategy and continue to position Linux NetworX as the leading Linux clustering company. Hill formerly served as Linux NetworX Vice President, helping the company gain capital funding and form technology relationships. He is best-known for his work as one of the lead counsel for Caldera, Inc. in its historic antitrust lawsuit settlement with Microsoft Corp. Daines was instrumental in the development of the IEEE standards and innovative solutions for Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet networking technology. Linux cluster supercomputing, the technology Linux NetworX specializes in, relies on fast networks such as Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet to connect multiple computers together to form a unified and powerful system. With more than 30 years experience in the networking industry, Daines is poised to guide Linux NetworX as it advances its technology and grows its customer-base. Since designing and delivering the world's first commercial Linux cluster supercomputer in 1997, Linux NetworX has delivered industry-leading cluster systems and management tools to some of the largest organization worldwide. The company's award-winning products help organizations achieve supercomputing power for a lower cost-of-ownership. Former Linux NetworX President and CEO Glen Lowry opted to leave the company in Oct. 2001. Hill has acted as the company's president and CEO since that time, and officially accepted the position in Feb. 2002. For additional information visit