IBM Deploys Linux for Financial Industry

ARMONK, NY -- IBM today announced it is working with the financial services industry to move key applications to Linux with hardware, software and services support from IBM. The Securities Industry Automation Corporation (SIAC) and its subsidiary Sector, Inc. are moving their ARTMAIL application to Linux. SIAC is the technology partner of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and American Stock Exchange (AMEX), with responsibility for the design, development, implementation and operation of the exchanges' computer systems and communications networks. The ARTMAIL application delivers daily activity reports to Wall Street brokers and member firms on their respective buy/sell transactions. ARTMAIL, which includes IBM software, was ported from Sun SPARC servers to an IBM eServer zSeries mainframe running Linux "virtual servers." "It is significant that the financial services industry is realizing the cost benefits of server consolidation on a mainframe running Linux," said Bill Claybrook, Research Director for Linux and Open Source Software, Aberdeen Group. "I expect to see more of these customers take advantage of Linux in the future." "Linux security is critical to customers, particularly in the financial sector. It is no coincidence that as Linux matures and becomes more secure, the financial sector is beginning to adopt the platform for critical transactions and IT infrastructure," said Steve Solazzo, vice president, Linux, IBM. "IBM will continue to provide our customers with key products and solutions to push Linux deeper into the enterprise, just as we are using Linux more and more to secure IBM's information technology infrastructure." For further information visit