FAROS Project Presents New Technologies for Fishing Management

  • The presentation of these and other tools designed to minimize the capture of non-target species will take place on Friday morning March 1 in Santiago.
  • Develop technologies in order to help the fleet minimize the discards in the fishing industry.

The Supercomputing Center of Galicia (CESGA) and its partners in the FAROS project will present technologies designed to optimize the management of fish discards and tools to minimize the capture of non-target species. It will take place tomorrow in Santiago, at the headquarters of CESGA.

Researchers and technicians involved in this European initiative will utilize the BeOS system, high-tech vision applied to fishing vessels; Red Boxes system for the transmission of data from ships to ports, and finally the Geoportal of discards launched within this project to contact the fleet for companies. The day, organized by CESGA, will begin at ten in the morning and ends at noon with a round table.

Along with the CESGA participating in the FOROS project, the Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas CSIC, who coordinates this initiative, in addition to the Technology Center Sea (CETMAR), the Port Authority of Vigo, the Spanish Institute of Oceanography, the Institute of Investigaçao of Fisheries and Mar-IPIMAR Portugal.

Funded by the European Union through the LIFE program, this project (www.farosproject.eu) has the general objective of developing and implementing a comprehensive network to the management of fish discards based on a comprehensive system of information both in the fleet and the land and involving the whole fishing sector. Its partners, which have the collaboration of Marexi and ASM companies, have worked together since 2010. The final results will be presented at the end of March a new event at CETMAR headquarters.