Delclima provides cooling for WSC

DeLclima Group confirms his leadership in IT cooling by signing a contract worth approx. 19 Million CNY (approx. 2,7 million €) of top efficiency cooling system for Super Computing Center Wuxi (WSC) in China.

The Super Computing Center (Wuxi), a joint investment established in 2006 by Ministry of Science and Technology and Wuxi Government, has one of the most advanced computing platforms worldwide.

The new supercomputer performance runs at 100 petaFLOPS (Floating-point Operations Per Second) and requires massive cooling at very precise conditions, with utmost reliability.

Thanks to its leading solutions and extensive experience in high-end data center applications, DeLclima, through its subsidiary Climaveneta, has been awarded to supply the 28MW capacity cooling system, 2,7 million Euro worth, delivered by 18 Climaveneta water-cooled chillers equipped with magnetic levitation, oil free VFD compressors, with best in class Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (ESEER) close to 10. Units are scheduled for delivery in Q2 2015.

DeLclima cooling system, combined with further eco sustainable technologies adopted, such as free cooling and VPF, has contributed to cut the entire energy consumption of the data center by 45%, compared to traditional design, complying with the stringent energy efficiency requirements set by environmental standards applied.   
“DeLclima’s participation in this project confirms our leadership in high efficiency data center cooling applications and adds up to a long list of very relevant installations worldwide.” says Carlo Grossi, DeLclima CEO.  He continues: “After China Construction Bank, this second very large and prestigious project awarded to us in China demonstrates the strength and quality of our presence in China and confirms that we are well positioned to benefit from the next wave of data center and cloud computing development.  We are proud to contribute to China’s digital transformation with our innovative IT cooling and High Precision Air Conditioning technologies.”

The new addition to Super Computing Center (Wuxi) is a star in the massive cloud computing development program planned by the Chinese Government, expected to more than double China’s datacenter capacity by 2016, compared with 2013, with an estimated overall investment of USD $370 billion.