FSU accelerates research with deepSQL

World’s only self-tuning, MySQL-compliant database runs complex queries 100X faster than InnoDB, while requiring no training or special skills

Deep Information Sciences has announced that Florida State University is using deepSQL to facilitate research. deepSQL, the world’s only self-tuning, MySQL-compliant database, enables FSU’s Research Computer Center to speed researchers’ queries by up to 1,000 percent, streamline analyses and provide a new database-as-a-service offering without having to retrain its staff.

“When you’re dealing with complex data sets, like many of FSU’s researchers are, the ability to perform fast queries at scale, and expedite time-to-insights, is critical. However, because today’s databases are built on science designed for 1970s computing environments, they’re inherently limited and often hit the wall when faced with large-scale, data-intensive conditions,” said Chad Jones, Chief Strategy Officer, Deep Information Sciences. “We are thrilled that a university as renowned for research as FSU has chosen deepSQL to accelerate ingest and queries, improve analyses and fuel their researchers’ projects.”

“FSU supports hundreds of researchers on widely divergent projects, but the one thing they have in common is they’re not database experts. Researchers who use MySQL say it’s much too slow, especially on complex data sets, but they don’t know how to tinker with databases and don’t want to—and shouldn’t have to—learn. We needed a database solution that could speed projects without burdening researchers,” said Paul Van Der Mark, interim director of FSU’s Research Computing Center. “deepSQL solves the slow-database problem that other technologies have struggled with, and failed at, for so long. The more complex the research, the more the database accelerates. Plus, just as important for our researchers, thanks to deepSQL’s self-tuning and MySQL interface, it’s easy to use even if you’re not a DBA.”

deepSQL, the world’s only adaptive, MySQL-compliant database, is purpose-built for data-intensive, large-scale physical, virtual and cloud environments where fast load and accelerated queries are crucial. An autonomically self-tuning database that leverages machine learning and uses the familiar MySQL interface, deepSQL dynamically adapts to ever-changing application demands and traffic realities—eliminating the need for time-consuming trial-and-error configurations and ETLs that can slow research, and insights, to a crawl. It’s installed as either an engine or a stand-alone database and is 100% MySQL compliant, so no application changes are required. With DBA-less tuning, extreme scalability to hundreds of billions of rows, and blazing speed, deepSQL enables applications to perform optimally at all times, while minimizing storage footprints and reducing overall cost.

deepSQL enables FSU to:

  • Accelerate complex queries by 1,000%
    With deepSQL processing queries faster than any other solution on the market, time-to-answer is expedited as never before. Using deepSQL, FSU ran queries on a 200GB database 100x faster. Complex queries that took 200 seconds with InnoDB were completed in just two seconds with deepSQL.
  • Ease analysis for researchers
    Before deepSQL, RCC staff supported researchers who used databases when they needed help, but didn’t widely promote the use of databases because of their performance and difficulty issues. That’s changing now. According to Van Der Mark, “deepSQL is the one solution we’ve found that’s ideal for researchers who work with complex data sets but aren’t database experts. It’s incredibly easy to use and its auto-tuning does all the heavy lifting without going offline—all of which streamlines and speeds analyses, and thrills our researchers.”
  • Avoid RCC training
    If FSU had chosen a different database solution, they would have had to spend valuable time and money retraining RCC employees. That’s not the case with deepSQL. “Because I know MySQL, there was no learning curve, no new commands to learn. deepSQL just worked,” said Prasad Maddumage, an application specialist at the RCC.
  • Enable database-as-a-service
    FSU currently uses deepSQL on bare metal machines, but has the ability to run databases wherever it makes most sense—in physical, virtual or cloud environments. “Thanks to deepSQL, we can now offer high-performing database-as-a-service at minimal cost,” said Van Der Mark.