New eXludus software improves system performance without requiring application re-writes

eXludus Technologies today announced the general availability of MCOPt version 3.0 for Linux. 

MCOPt software dramatically improves multi-core system performance by adding an innovative resource management layer to Linux systems. MCOPt delivers increased job throughput, faster response times, prevents memory swapping and other shared resource conflicts, and eliminates cluster and cloud job submission latencies. With MCOPt, existing serial and parallel applications fully leverage multi-core systems without requiring modification or re-engineering.

Enterprise-class Linux servers and blades have greater computing power due to increasing processor core counts. However, most applications in use today are serial or lightly parallel designs incapable of optimally leveraging multi-core architectures. This reality has created an application performance problem, often referred to as the ‘multi-core dilemma’, which limits the value of latest multi-core designs. Re-writing applications for multi-core architectures is not always possible and is a difficult, time-consuming and costly process. eXludus’ MCOPt software solves the multi-core dilemma by inserting an intelligent resource allocation layer between applications and the operating system that allows applications to fully harness multi-core processing power. MCOPt requires zero changes to existing applications and delivers immediate benefits to users.

“We are pleased to announce the general availability of MCOPt 3.0 for Linux,” said Dale Geldart, Chief Operating Officer, eXludus Technologies. “MCOPt helps users get results faster through more efficient use of processing capacity and prevents resource overload on large core count systems when many applications are running concurrently. Additionally, more efficient use of system resources eliminates energy waste and further supports the growing number of ‘green data center’ initiatives”, Mr. Geldart added.

eXludus is a member of the HP Multi-core Optimization program, which aims to help customers realize the full performance and cost benefits of using multi-core technology in high-performance computing (HPC) applications.

“Customers want to take advantage of new multi-core architectures that increase performance of their technology environments, enabling them to speed their development processes,” said Steve Cumings, director, Scalable Computing Infrastructure Marketing at HP. “eXludus’ MCOPt software, combined with solutions from HP’s Unified Cluster Portfolio, helps our customers leverage the power of multi-core systems to achieve time-to-market advantages.”