EDUCAUSE, Internet2 Applaud Obama, FCC Stance on Net Neutrality

Greg Jackson, Vice President for Policy and Analysis, EDUCAUSE, and Gary Bachula, Vice President for External Relations, Internet2, released the following statement on behalf of their respective organizations:

"EDUCAUSE and Internet2 are extremely pleased that President Obama and Federal Communications Commission Chairman Genachowski announced yesterday their support for keeping the Internet open and accessible as a medium for teaching and learning, research, collaboration, and innovation. Preserving the openness of the Internet is as fundamental to our institutions of higher education as the principle of academic freedom. Yesterday's statements reaffirm that the rules on which the Internet was founded and flourished will continue to safeguard the ability of students, faculty, and staff to rely upon their broadband connections to engage in the free flow of ideas without interference by commercial Internet service providers.

We are particularly pleased that the statements of both President Obama and Chairman Genachowski recognize the important role that an open Internet plays in education, research, and outreach, including distance learning. We applaud this administration for its forward-looking and principled protection of the Internet as an essential medium for discovery and innovation. As the process proceeds, EDUCAUSE and Internet2 look forward to working with the FCC to help resolve many of the details surrounding this complex issue."