Oil and gas industry specialists give high marks to “T-Platforms” high performance system intended for the most demanding seismic processing jobs

T-Platforms, a leading Russian supercomputers provider, presented its proprietary high performance solution for seismic data processing and the results of tests with real life data at the traditional spring User Group Meeting of Paradigm Geophyical LLC, an affiliate of Paradigm B.V., a leading provider of enterprise software solutions for the global oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) industry. The results pleased both Paradigm specialists, who ran the test, and industry specialists attending the Meeting alike.

The solution presented at the seminar consisted of the T-Platforms computing cluster based on ten blade- modules (T-Blade), the only blade-servers made in Russia, and a high performance data storage system (T-Platforms ReadyStorage ActiveStor).

The tests showed that a number of tasks that took days on ordinary computers were completed in just a few hours on the T-Platforms solution. The solution enables users to process materials, such as 3D Prestack time and depth migration, up to 20 times faster than a standard computer. This was the first time a super-computer solution for seismic data processing based entirely on domestic blade-servers was presented at the Paradigm seminar.

T-Platforms solution attracted great interest of oil and gas specialists at the seminar. “Such power and effectiveness are usually expected from foreign computing systems,” said Alexander Gromyko, head of geophysical processing and interpretation department of JSC “Severgeofizika”.  I was extremely pleased to find  Russian solutions operating at the same high level, but at home market prices. It is really impressive how fast T-Platforms solution completed tasks on time and depth migration.”

T-Platforms specialists also made a special presentation about the role and value of high performance computing in modern seismic data processing and interpretation.

“High performance computing plays a key role in the oil and gas industry.  It enables higher model accuracy while reducing the time of seismic data processing. For example, Chevron recently discovered a complex field containing 3-15 billion barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico only owing to the high performance computing usage,” said Svetlana Legostaeva, T-Platforms oil and gas business development director. “Our supercomputer solutions help oil and gas service companies process seismic data fater and with increased accuracy.”

The Paradigm User Group Meeting "Formula for success in challenging geological & economical environment" took place in Moscow on May 20-22. Representatives of the leading CIS oil and gas and service companies took part in the event. Among them were LLC Gazpromneft NTC, JSC Lukoil, JSC Rosneft, LLC TNNC, Belorusneft and others.