Paradigm donates Geolog Software to Irkutsk State Technical University

Students prepare for geoscience careers using advanced reservoir characterization technology: Paradigm announced today its donation of well log and petrophysical analysis software to the Irkutsk State Technical University (ISTU) in Eastern Siberia. "Paradigm Geolog has great value in the education of oil and gas industry specialists," said Dr. Alexander Georgievich Dmitriev, chair, practical geophysics & geoinformatics, at ISTU. "With the help of this software, students can acquire well logging, data processing, and interpretation skills, which are inherent requirements for modern E&P professionals." The donation includes five software licenses for Geolog (petrophysical analysis and formation evaluation). Each license will contain Determin (deterministic petrophysics) and Loglan (well log programming), additional modules of Geolog. The software will be implemented in a newly equipped laboratory at ISTU, funded by a grant from TNK-BP. "Over the last several years the volume of exploration work has seen an average annual increase of forty percent in the Eastern Siberia region," said Nikolai Baransky, Paradigm regional vice-president, CIS operations. "Now more than ever, Russian oil and gas companies are using modern well log software and equipment, which require trained industry experts. By providing actual geophysical tools that support quality education in the geosciences, Paradigm is investing in the future of the profession." For more information on Paradigm products and services, contact your regional office directly (find information at, or e-mail