UCHPC09, Second Workshop on UnConventional High Performance Computing

Held on the beautiful island of Ischia, Italy May 18-20. As the computing power of various platforms intended for games and similar is increasing rapidly, they attract the interest of professionals in the HPC community. As an example the modern graphics processing units (GPU) are often used for HPC in the so called field "General-purpose computing on GPU's" (GPGPU). Another example is the Playstation3 (PS3) that has a multicore architecture that lends itself for HPC. These platforms are not conventional HPC platforms, nonetheless they are used for HPC purposes and even clusters of such computing resources are being built with great success. Both the computing power and the low cost compared to conventional HPC resources make them very interesting. The aim of this workshop is to focus on such unconventional resources for HPC. Only imagination sets the limit for what kind of devices that can be used for HPC end even be put together to form clusters. Links: Main Web CFP