IllinoisRocstar partners with NCSA to speed simulation

A company that spun off from the University of Illinois' Center for Simulation of Advanced Rockets is the latest member of the Private Sector Program at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). IllinoisRocstar, based in Champaign, Illinois, uses the Rocstar simulation software suite to analyze fluid flows, combustion, materials, structures, and their interactions for government agencies and industry. Access to the high-performance computing systems at NCSA will enable IllinoisRocstar to perform these complex calculations more quickly and efficiently. "NCSA's extensive computational and scientific resources will allow IllinoisRocstar to perform large-scale parallel engineering and scientific simulations that would be difficult to achieve elsewhere," said IllinoisRocstar chief operating officer Mark Brandyberry. "Innovative modeling of problems that range from next-generation rocket motors to microscale material modeling will be facilitated by the systems and expertise at NCSA." In addition to the technical resources available at NCSA, William Dick, IllinoisRocstar CEO notes that "our growth as a small business is predicated on interaction with government mission agencies and Tier 1 companies. The opportunity to partner with these firms through NCSA's Private Sector Program may be a critical one for us in the near future and one we chose not to miss." NCSA's Private Sector Partner Program puts the center's expertise and technological innovation to work on the real-world challenges faced by business and industry, enabling companies to reap the benefits of early access to breakthrough technologies. NCSA's partners include ACNielsen, Boeing, Caterpillar, John Deere, ExxonMobil, JPMorgan, Microsoft, Motorola, Rolls-Royce, and State Farm. For more information, go to, or contact Merle Giles: or 217-244-4629.