Web services driving demand for high speed data transport

The rapid acceptance of Web 2.0 applications and services has provided a dramatic boost in demand for WAN acceleration technology, according to NetEx, the leader in high-speed data transport over TCP. HyperIP enables the rapid sharing of collaborative files and software-as-a-service architectures to remote users. Without acceleration these new applications would be burdened by the inherent performance bottlenecks in TCP data transmission and bringing WAN-based applications to a crawl. According to the Enterprise Strategy Group, the millions of users of social networking sites such as Myspace and Facebook and the massive bandwidth consumption of the video-sharing site YouTube are rapidly changing data transport optimization technology from a “nice to have” to a “must-have” technology. With the large amounts of rich media content data being shared across the Internet and the user expectation for instant response data transport optimization products such as NetEx’s award-winning HyperIP are hot technologies right now. “The explosion of Web 2.0 deployments and social networking sites are creating unprecedented demand for bandwidth and the only way to economically satisfy that demand is with a solution like HyperIP that compresses, optimizes and accelerates data transport across TCP,” said Robert MacIntyre, Vice President of Business Development and Marketing at NetEx. “HyperIP changes the economics of transferring massive data volumes across IP networks, enabling customers to send more data and send it faster than with a basic IP WAN.” HyperIP mitigates TCP performance issues that are common when moving data over WAN connections because of bandwidth restrictions, latency due to distance and/or router hop counts, packet loss and network errors with application acceleration and Data Transport Optimization for remote data replication and large file transfer requirements. HyperIP eliminates these issues with an innovative software design developed specifically to accelerate traffic over an IP based network. HyperIP applies proprietary optimization algorithms and then compresses the data to improve WAN efficiency. HyperIP also includes Data Replication Optimization (DRO) and Data Migration Optimization (DMO) providing customers the confidence that their valuable information will be protected (or moved) on-time, every time. HyperIP boosts the performance of storage replication applications from vendors such as EMC, NetApp, Symantec, IBM, Data Domain, and FalconStor.