Rocks+Moab chosen as standard cluster management tool on Silicon Mechanics

Cluster Resources has announced that Rocks+Moab has been chosen as the standard cluster-management tool on the new Silicon Mechanics Cluster Configurator. The Silicon Mechanics online Cluster Configurator is the industry-leading interactive tool of choice for customers seeking turnkey clusters. This tool gives customers the ability to configure a best-fit cluster solution, from CPUs and RAM to software and support, and immediately understand its impact on their budget. The Silicon Mechanics Hyperform HPCi and HPCn Rocks+ integrated clusters offer affordable, scalable starting configurations: an eight-node cluster with a one-year academic license, a powerful head node, Rocks+Moab, and everything a cluster needs to run—including knowledge transfer and support—for less than $28,000. Rocks+, developed by Clustercorp, is a commercial version of the open-source Linux distribution of Rocks and is excellent for setting up and managing a stable HPC software stack. By combining Rocks+ with Moab—a powerful workload manager that integrates scheduling, managing, monitoring, and reporting of cluster workloads—clusters of all sizes can achieve a maximized workload and 90-99% utilization. Moab also provides guaranteed service levels to users and organizations, higher resource utilization rates, and the ability to get more jobs processed with the same resources, resulting in improved ROI. “We are excited to partner with Cluster Resources to offer Moab as the standard cluster manager on our Hyperform Rocks+ Integrated Configurators,” said Kirtan Shah, product manager of Silicon Mechanics. “Rocks+Moab provides the full solution that our customers are looking for, and organizations will benefit from its simplified use, its access and control for users and administrators, and its ability to provide higher resource utilization.” For more information about Rocks+Moab, visit its web site. To view the Silicon Mechanics Hyperform Rocks+ Integrated Cluster Configurators, visit its web site.