EGEE hits 100,000 jobs per day and counting

Enabling Grids for E-sciencE announced today at the EGEE’07 conference in Budapest that they have successfully managed unprecedented computing workloads over the summer months of July, August and September. Doubling the average number of jobs since the spring quarter, EGEE ran 100,000 jobs daily, powered by an infrastructure of 41,000 CPUs. Sites from all over the world, some 250 computing centers in 48 countries, contributed to the work, allowing 25,000 jobs to be run simultaneously. This kind of cooperation is the key to EGEE’s continued success, according to many of the conference’s plenary speakers. Jobs ran at the request of Virtual Organizations (VOs) were conducting research in diverse fields including physics, medicine, climatology, geology, engineering, art and music. VOs connected to the Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator located at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland submitted approximately 60% of the jobs. “We expect to double the size of the infrastructure next year as the LHC accelerator comes online,” said Ian Bird, Head of Grid Operations. To care for the long term computing needs, grid leaders from around Europe are planning the emergence of the European Grid Initiative at this week's conference. The first EGI workshop marked a very concrete step towards realization of the EGI initiative: a project that has already garnered the support of more than 37 national grids and that aims to produce a pan-European grid infrastructure