Foundation for the Grid: Oracle on Linux

Dave Dargo, vice president of Oracle's Linux Platform Office, addressed thousands of attendees at LinuxWorld this week, delivering the message that Oracle on Linux provides the ideal foundation for enterprise grid computing. Grid computing, the coordinated use of servers and storage acting as one large computer, is a critical component of the Company's strategy to provide flexible, low-cost computing with Oracle 10g. "Grid computing is the next evolution for enterprise IT, and Linux plays an important role within it," said Dargo. "Standardizing building blocks and consolidating systems into an enterprise grid, will drive down the overall costs of computing and create the ultimate commoditization of the IT infrastructure." Dargo spoke to the global traction of Linux, likening its rate of adoption to that of UNIX/RISC in the mid-1990s, and citing higher consolidation, true enterprise-class support and choice in operating system suppliers as catalysts. "A year ago, we saw initial success stories of companies running mission critical applications on Linux. Now, we see success after success, including Oracle. As a matter of fact, all 5,000 of our application developers now use Linux." Dargo further illustrated the Company's internal commitment to Linux by referencing other Oracle deployments, including a conversion of all of its mid-tier servers and an aggressive sizing exercise to convert remaining back-end servers. He also revealed that more than 60 percent of Oracle's servers are now running Linux/Intel. On the new development front, Dargo announced the Oracle9i Database Developer's Release for Power/Linux. Built on SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 and capable of running on Linux for IBM iSeries and pSeries servers, the release, now available for download on the Oracle Technology Network, provides faster throughput for intensive database usage to decrease cost of ownership and optimize IT environments. "The one-two punch of Oracle's 64-bit database running on IBM's 64-bit high performance, high availability Power architecture delivers a new standard to Linux users demanding high quality of service," added Dargo. In conclusion, Dargo spoke to Oracle's leadership in information management, referencing the technological advancement of Oracle Real Application Clusters; the ongoing contributions of Oracle's Linux Kernel Group; the unique no-cost support model, encompassing 6,000 support engineers worldwide providing support across the entire stack; and the development of Oracle Database 10g and Enterprise Manager with Grid Control.