Three of World's Top Ten OLTP Databases Run On CA

Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA) today announced that a new Winter Corporation study has found that three of the world's 10 largest OLTP databases are running on CA Advantage technology. These findings again demonstrate that Advantage CA-IDMS and Advantage CA-Datacom offer the best-in-class scalability, reliability and manageability required to effectively support mission-critical multi-terabyte business systems. The three databases named in the study were: -- British Telecom (BT), which is using Advantage CA-IDMS and was the second largest database overall with 11.7 terabytes of data. BT also placed seventh in the most number of rows category with 12 billion rows. BT relies on this Advantage CA-IDMS database as its core support system for customer service in the United Kingdom -- including customer billing, order processing, and fault reporting. -- Brazil's Caixa Economica Federal, which is using Advantage CA-IDMS and was the fourth largest database overall with 6.9 terabytes of data. Caixa placed second in the most number of rows category with 34 billion rows. Caixa uses this database to manage financial information for all Brazilian workers. -- U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which is using Advantage CA-Datacom and was the seventh largest database overall with more than 4 terabytes of data. The Bureau placed fifth in the most number of rows category with 16.7 billion rows. The agency uses this database in its mission to prevent terrorists and terrorist weapons from entering the United States, monitoring the flow of goods and persons across the nation's borders and ports. U.S. Customs and Border Protection also finished in first place in Winter Corporation's workload, OLTP systems category (see related announcement The Winter Top Ten Program identifies the world's leading database implementations based on database size, most rows/records and highest workload achieved. The program recognizes the database practitioners whose accomplishments are advancing the boundaries of database size and power. Thousands of customers worldwide use Advantage CA-IDMS and Advantage CA-Datacom to process massive amounts of data and transactions. Supporting the latest z/OS technologies, including Sysplex and 64-bit architectures, CA's DBMS platforms serve as the backbone for a wide range of enterprise and Internet applications. New releases scheduled for release in early 2004 offer further increases in performance, reliability, open architecture, and facilities for database administration and application development. "As businesses have become increasingly dependent on the management and distribution of information, databases have grown to a size that few in the industry ever really anticipated," said Mark Combs, senior vice president at CA. "The fact that Advantage CA-IDMS and Advantage CA-Datacom are effectively supporting these multi-terabyte systems today demonstrates both the quality of CA's technology and the prescience of our R&D organization." "Only a select handful of technology vendors play in the ultra-demanding world of mainframe, multi-terabyte OLTP databases," said Richard Winter, president, Winter Corporation. "Having three of its customers in our OLTP TopTen All Environments list shows that CA is one of those select global players."