Oracle and HP Set World Record TPC-C Benchmark Result

Oracle and HP set a new world-record Transaction Processing Council TPC-C benchmark of over one million transactions per minute on a cluster of Linux servers. The result was achieved with Oracle(R) Database 10g, HP Integrity servers with Intel(R) Itanium(R) 2 processors and Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3.0. The benchmark not only sets a new industry record, but also reflects the power of industry standard-servers running the Linux operating system in "scale out" clustered server configuration. This announcement comes on the heels of the recent world-record single-system scale-up benchmark announcement by the HP and Oracle, which was the first result to surpass one million transactions per minute (tpmC) with the Transaction Processing Council's TPC-C benchmark. HP and Oracle together hold the only single-system and clustered results over one million transactions per minute, ever published. (1) Unmatched price/performance The HP Integrity rx5670 cluster achieved 1,184,893.38 tpmC with a price/performance ratio of $5.52/tpmC. The result is over 50% faster than the nearest competitive hardware vendor and delivers better than a thirty percent improvement in price/performance. (2) The benchmark was completed on a 16-node cluster of four-way HP Integrity rx5670 servers running Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3.0 and Oracle Database 10g with Real Application Clusters. The cluster configuration used HP StorageWorks storage solutions including the Modular SAN Array 1000 with 18 GB, 36 GB and 146 GB drives. "Today's result is a major milestone in the history of database computing," said Andrew Mendelsohn, senior vice president, Database Server Development, Oracle Corp. "We have now shown that Oracle Database 10g Real Application Clusters can deliver the world's best transaction processing performance on clusters of low cost industry-standard servers running cost Linux." HP and Oracle have a strong history in performance leadership and are now extending it to price/performance leadership.(3) "HP and Oracle offer customers the choice, scalability and availability to meet their most demanding needs," says Rich Marcello, senior vice president and general manager of Business Critical Servers, HP. "Today's benchmark result, coupled with our recent Superdome world record, solidifies the leadership position of HP Integrity servers in providing customers the ultimate in flexibility, performance and total cost of ownership regardless of whether customers choose scale-out or scale-up environments. This world record is another prime example of how HP is partnering with Oracle and Intel to drive industry-standard computing to new levels." "Within a month, we have seen the 1 Million Transactions per minute barrier broken again, this time on a cluster of HP Integrity servers with Intel(R) Itanium(R) 2 and Linux," said Mike Fister, senior vice president of Intel Corporation's Enterprise Platforms Group. "This data demonstrates the flexibility of Itanium-based servers running Linux. As IT managers look to find the most competitive solutions for their enterprise needs, we believe they will increasingly look to Itanium 2 for performance, manageability, and cost/benefit." (1) Source: Transaction Processing Council (TPC) As of December 9, 2003: -- Sixteen-node HP Integrity rx5670 server cluster, each with four Intel Itanium 2 1.5-GHz processors running Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3 and Oracle Database 10g with Real Application Clusters achieved 1,184,893.38 tpmC, at $5.52/tpmC, available April 14, 2004. -- HP Integrity Superdome server running HP-UX 11i v2, HP StorageWorks solutions and Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition achieved 1,008,144.49 tpmC, at $8.33/tpmC, available April 14, 2004. (2) IBMeSERVER pSERIES 690 Turbo 7040-681 achieved 768,839tmpC at $8.55/tpmC available February 29, 2004. Source: Transaction processing Council (TPC) (3) Price/Performance leader in the Top Ten TPC-C by Performance List: Sixteen-node HP Integrity rx5670 server cluster, each with four Intel Itanium 2 1.5-GHz processors running Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3 and Oracle Database 10g with Real Application Clusters achieved 1,184,893.38 tpmC, at $5.52/tpmC, available April 14, 2004.