DTU participates in European network on measurement of greenhouse gases

DTU is one of 34 institutions in 15 countries contributing to the measurements of other greenhouse gases than CO2 in a new EU-funded network, InGOS.

The network focuses on providing accurate information on emissions of methane and nitrous oxide as the basis for a more vigorous climate action.

In order to make the right decisions regarding climate, access to reliable measurements of greenhouse gas emissions is essential – and not only in terms of the emissions of CO2, which attracts the most attention, but also in terms of other gases with similar harmful effects, such as methane and nitrous oxide.

So far, the figures for these greenhouse gases have to a large extend been calculated based on numbers, e.g. agricultural livestock, fertilizer consumption etc. Now, a new EU-funded network, InGOS, is to provide actual measurements of emissions in the 15 participating countries. Measurements from towers, peaks, masts and other relevant points around Europe are going to be carried out, and the network will also work with supercomputer models to give an accurate picture of where and how much is being emitted of greenhouse gases other than carbon dioxide. The aim is to create a better basis for assessing whether the European climate policy is effective.

Measurements from towers, peaks, masts and fields

DTU is one among 34 institutions involved in InGOS, and the only Danish one. In this context Risø DTU is going to act as a workshop area in which atmospheric measurements are going to take place from the meteorological mast and from the willow field that was established a few years ago to assess the carbon cycle in connection with the cultivation of crops for energy. These measurements are also going to be used for comparison of measurement techniques in the network, and during the project's four-year period, Risø DTU will arrange one or two workshops for the members on methods of measurement and modeling.

Integrated non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Observing System

The InGOS project runs for four years with a budget of just over 10 million euros. The kick-off meeting was held 21-22 November in Holland where the project's leading institution Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) is located.