Bright Computing, China HPC Technologies Power Astronomical Research at China’s Purple Mountain Observatory

Bright Computing has announced that Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) has selected Bright Cluster Manager for its high performance supercomputing (HPC) cluster. The observatory is using the supercomputer to study the origins of the solar system, the universe, and life itself. Specifically, Bright will be used to manage the cluster that supports PMO’s research into dark matter, dark energy, and black hole compact objects.  PMO is also the first installation of Bright Cluster Manager by China HPC Technologies Co. Ltd (CHPC), a Bright partner serving the Chinese market.

PMO, also known as the Zijinshan Astronomical Observatory, is China’s first modern research institute. Its graduate students are researching a wide range of topics relating to astronomy and physics, and are contributing to the knowledge base of both sciences.

The technology to support this research comes from the combination of CHPC and Bright Cluster Manager. CHPC provides software and services to address the high performance computing, complex data management, and storage needs of scientific, technical and business communities. CHPC’s technology helps users simulate climate changes, accelerate drug discovery, and assist with astrophysics simulations.

“High performance computing is an integral part of PMO’s research. It enables them to study and simulate dark energy, cosmology and high energy astrophysics,” said Daniel Deng, CEO of CHPC. “With Bright Computing software, they are able to more efficiently conduct their research — jobs run more smoothly, the system is better utilized. Bright minimizes the effort required to manage their cluster, allowing them to stay focused on science.”

“Bright Cluster Manager helps us to serve our customers better,” continued Deng. “Bright makes it easy to install and manage clusters, while keeping operating costs down.”