Penguin Computing's Scyld ClusterWare 4.2 now available for free evaluation

Latest Scyld ClusterWare Release 4.2, Penguin Computing's industry-leading, fully integrated suite of provisioning, management, and performance tools for Linux HPC clusters, available for download and evaluation with full functionality: Penguin Computing today has announced that its latest release of its comprehensive High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster management solution, Scyld ClusterWare 4.2, is now available for immediate download and a free, 45-day trial. This is a fully functional version that can be run on as many nodes as the user desires. Making Scyld available as a free download for real-world evaluation is a first for Penguin Computing, initiated in direct response to market demand. "We've had many requests from HPC cluster users to load Scyld for a thorough, hands-on look at this powerful management environment. Often we hear that they want to see what all of the 'buzz' is about regarding Scyld; we've now enabled the HPC clustering community to do just that. We are very aware of what happens when cluster users experience first-hand the significant advantages of a Scyld environment," said Charles Wuischpard, president and CEO, Penguin Computing. Those wishing to avail themselves of this free evaluation will find it readily accessible at its Web site. Scyld ClusterWare is a sophisticated set of fully integrated cluster management and performance optimization tools that are quite easy to implement and use, enabling HPC cluster users and system managers, no matter their experience level, to enjoy unprecedented productivity and system functionality. All this without a steep learning curve or complex implementation. The added flexibility and attention to system availability in Scyld ClusterWare 4.2 are unique features in the HPC market and directed at the new generation of enterprise researchers who want to focus more on productivity, less on the complexities of cluster management. "Scyld ClusterWare 4.2 is furthering our philosophy that clustered computing should not be reserved for a select few; that managing an HPC cluster environment should not be an engineering exercise. Those who take advantage of this free, fully functional evaluation will understand the unique advantages of Scyld immediately," said Andreas Junge, vice president, product development, Penguin Computing.