IBM unveils plans for data center in North Carolina

Efficiency Breakthroughs and Revolutionary Design for Cloud Computing: IBM announced today plans to build a $360 million state-of-the-art data center at its facility in Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina. The data center will include new technologies and services that will enable IBM to deliver Cloud Computing capabilities to clients. Cloud computing uses advanced technologies and global delivery mechanisms to enable individuals to access information and services from any device with extremely high levels of availability and quality of experience. IBM will renovate an existing building on its RTP campus in North Carolina to create one of the most technologically advanced and energy efficient data centers in the world. The new data center will be the first in the world to be built with IBM's New Enterprise Data Center design principles. Clients using this center will have unparalleled access to massive internet-scale computing capabilities, while gaining the cost and environmental protection advantages of IBM's industry-leading energy efficiency data center design. Data centers are the backbone of information technology (IT) infrastructure for businesses and other organizations, with powerful servers and storage systems running business-critical technology including software applications, email and web sites. IBM owns and operates more than eight million square feet of data center space -- more than any other company in the world. This new RTP data center is a key component in IBM's Project Big Green initiative to dramatically increase energy efficiency in the data center, as companies face escalating energy costs and the requirement to handle a rapidly rising amount of data. "This announcement further demonstrates IBM's commitment to our state and to our people," said Gov. Mike Easley. "I look forward to maintaining this partnership with IBM for years to come." "This new data center is part of IBM's commitment to construct the world's most advanced data centers," said Bob Greenberg, general manager of IT Optimization and North Carolina Senior State Executive at IBM. "This is the latest example of IBM's deep history of innovation in North Carolina. When we open for business in late 2009, the new IBM data center assures that Research Triangle Park will be a strategic location for our outsourcing business for many years to come. I'd like to thank the State of North Carolina, Durham County, the Durham Chamber of Commerce, and Duke Energy for their outstanding support that helped make this project possible." "IBM's innovations have been a cornerstone of the Research Triangle Park and Durham County, and this new state-of-the-art data center certainly continues that outstanding legacy," said Ellen W. Reckhow, Chairman of the Durham County Board of Commissioners. Durham County approved allocating $750,000 in economic development incentives for IBM's new data center. Technology features and details on the new RTP data center The new RTP data center will use many of the technologies from IBM's Project Big Green initiative to sharply reduce data center energy consumption. Following the first phase of 60,000 square feet of raised floor data center space, this site can potentially be expanded in standard modular increments. In IBM's new Data Center Family of services, design is typically performed in advance on an entire project, so the additional capacity can be added as client demand dictates. With a modular approach, it's easier to grow the space and defer significant capital costs. Along with the recently commissioned Boulder data center, the new RTP facility will be IBM's first truly adaptive data center, where facilities equipment is designed to adjust its operation to the needs of IT equipment in the data center. These data centers will be specially designed for a heterogeneous mix of computer hardware and software. IBM will also incorporate its High Density Zone solution into the data center design. This will enable IBM to support the latest water-cooled equipment and energy requirements, as well as to optimize its infrastructure for traditional and new air-cooled equipment. Some other key design features: * IBM goals include reusing 95 percent of the original building's shell, recycling 90 percent of materials from the original building, with 20 percent of newly purchased material to be from recycled products. * IBM plans to install high density computing systems utilizing virtualization technology, which reduces energy costs by running multiple software applications on the same servers. This technology, along with IBM's Cool Blue portfolio of energy efficient technologies and a modular data center design, will allow the RTP facility to offer IBM's clients up to three times more computing capacity per square foot than the average data center. * The data center will leverage an industry-leading integrated cooling system allowing it to respond to varying cooling requirements of the IT equipment in real time. * During colder months, the data center can switch to free-cooling mode, utilizing a water economizer to dramatically reduce energy consumption. * The data center's mechanical system design is 50 percent more efficient than the industry average, equating to a reduction of approximately 31,799 tons of carbon dioxide emissions a year. * The facility is planned to be partially powered by alternative energy sources, resulting in a targeted reduction of approximately one million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions per year. * The data center will provide dual-site backup and recovery offerings from IBM's Business Continuity and Resiliency Services, in conjunction with IBM's recently enhanced Boulder, Colorado data center. * The facility will use energy efficient lighting, and all critical systems will be monitored and alarmed to security and maintenance 24x7x365. These technologies, in conjunction with the energy efficient design and construction, will allow IBM to reduce its overall carbon footprint compared to standard data centers. More information about IBM can be found at its Web site.