Force10 Networks Demonstrates Industry Leadership at Supercomputing 2009

S-Series Ethernet Access Switches to Also Serve as the Foundation for the Conference’s Network Infrastructure

Force10 Networks today announced it will demonstrate its industry-leading switch/routing solutions for the high-performance cluster computing (HPCC) market at booth #1715 at the Supercomputing 2009 conference in Portland, Oregon. To further illustrate its industry leadership in the HPCC market, Force10 S-Series high-performance Ethernet access switches were selected and implemented to anchor the network infrastructure for the conference, called SCinet, which runs from November 14–20.

The SCinet network is constructed each year for the Supercomputing conference to facilitate Internet access for attendees and exhibitors as well as for connecting to other global networks. Four Force10 S50 switches are deployed as the SCinet network foundation, interconnecting and providing non-blocking bandwidth to exhibitor booths and various service and visitor areas on the show floor. The Supercomputing 2009 conference includes more than 300 industry and research exhibits.

“Force10 has earned its leadership position among the world’s most demanding HPCC environments by consistently delivering an unmatched combination of performance, density and reliability,” says Steve Garrison, vice president of marketing, Force10 Networks. “Whether Force10 solutions are anchoring the world’s most powerful supercomputer or the infrastructure at Supercomputing 2009, their respective users will continue to demand these performance and resiliency characteristics from us so they can enjoy simpler and more cost-effective networks.”

Force10 Switch/Routers Help Power 6 of the 10 World’s Fastest Supercomputers

Supercomputing 2009 attendees will be able to see the Force10 Ethernet switch/router solutions that play pivotal roles in many of the most powerful IBM, Sun Microsystems, Dell, Dawning, T-Platforms, and Cray supercomputers on the list of the world’s fastest supercomputers, including six of the 10 fastest environments. In addition to powering North America’s fastest supercomputer, the Force10 switch/router solutions provide critical Ethernet interconnect functionality to the fastest supercomputers in Europe and Asia. Forschungszentrum Juelich, with its Jugene supercomputer located in Germany, ranks 3rd on the list and has deployed the Force10 E-Series core switch/router with more than 200 Ten Gigabit Ethernet ports. Asia’s highest-performing supercomputer, Magic Cube, at the Shanghai Supercomputer Center, utilizes Force10 C300 resilient switch/routers and S2410 access switches. Force10 also powers 10 of top 20 and 14 of top 50 fastest supercomputers worldwide.