Exegy makes announcement at SC07

Scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are working in collaboration with Exegy, the hardware acceleration company, to develop high-speed search applications to improve national security. Livermore is exploring ground-breaking technologies developed by commercial businesses to advance national security applications and chose the Exegy Text Miner for fast processing of multi-language text data, fast database insertion, and deep analytics. With high-speed networks delivering data at increasing speeds and data storage growing from multi-terabyte to petabyte range and beyond, rapid searching of structured and unstructured data sets presents a challenge for researchers and analysts seeking real-time information vital to national security. The Exegy Text Miner is a unique search and analysis appliance that can process today’s high-volume, real-time data feeds and massive unstructured data stores at extremely fast speeds. With sustained throughput of up to 6.0 gigabits per second, the Exegy Text Miner can ingest, analyze and search multi-terabytes of data at unprecedented rates. “We see low-latency processing appliances as playing a growing role in our high performance computing architectures, especially filling the gap areas of fast lexicon-based search and more complex front-end scenario analysis,” said Craig Schultz, Livermore program leader associated with high performance test bed applications. “Our collaboration with Exegy is a great example of how government and industry can work together to leverage existing innovative technologies for the benefit of national security,” added John Johnson, Research Program manager with Livermore’s Center for Applied Scientific Computing. “We are excited to partner with Lawrence Livermore and contribute to solutions that increase our country’s security,” said Dr. Ron Indeck, Exegy Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer.