Digipede Technologies Launches Digipede Network 2.1

New release brings enhanced management of network and grid resources to distributed computing solution for the .NET platform: Leading grid software provider Digipede Technologies today announced availability of version 2.1 of its award-winning grid software solution for the Microsoft Windows platform. Certified for Windows Server 2008, Digipede Network 2.1 allows single-threaded software to take advantage of modern multicore processors, and also manages many different applications running simultaneously on a grid with both multicore and multiprocessor boxes. This increased flexibility provides greater resource utilization and performance. In addition, Digipede announced the availability of two new optional packages for the Digipede Network 2.1 Professional Edition. First, the Digipede Automatic Network Failover Package provides out-of-the-box integration with Network Load Balancing (NLB), providing "hands-free" server failover for mission-critical applications. With the high availability provided by the Failover Package and the guaranteed execution provided by the Digipede Agents, enterprises can trust their most important applications to the Digipede Network. The second new option, the Digipede Network Reporting Package, provides critical information about the use and optimization of the grid and gives enterprises the ability to track grid resource usage and optimize performance. “We’ve been the grid solution of choice for organizations needing to increase their computing power during rapid growth, and the new features and add-ons now integrate grid management with enhanced resource management capabilities for larger organizations,” said John Powers, CEO of Digipede. ”As our customers – particularly in financial services companies -- continue to deploy larger and larger grids, we’ve increased the scalability and management capabilities of the Digipede Network. The new features and options in this latest release respond to direct customer input, especially from our larger customers, but will help all of our customers get the most from their Digipede Network deployments.” “Microsoft is pleased to be working with Digipede Technologies to expand the offerings for customers of Windows Server 2008,” said Ward Ralston, Group Technical Product Manager for Windows Server Marketing at Microsoft Corp. “Our industry partners play an essential role in ensuring that our customers have the best technology foundation available, and the Digipede Network 2.1 grid solution helps deliver valuable new functionality to our joint customers.” Key Features Key features of the Digipede Network 2.1 include:
  • Enhanced management API allows programmatic creation and manipulation of resource pools
  • “Selfish sharing” of resources allows a department to share their resources when they are available but be guaranteed their servers will always work on their own jobs – in effect, those who share their cycles can only benefit from sharing
  • More flexible Digipede Agents, in addition to allowing single-threaded software to take advantage of multicore computers, the grid now can manage many different applications running simultaneously on both multicore and multiprocessor boxes, promoting greater performance and resource utilization
  • Improved Node Management makes most efficient use of available resources by assisting in the management of the resources themselves

New Add-on Packages Two new packages, available as add-ons to the Digipede Network Professional Edition, enhance the grid’s utility to organizations with large networks running mission-critical applications:

  • Automatic Failover Package and Integration with NLB – Failover has long been a feature of the Digipede Network Professional Edition but with the Automatic Failover Package, organizations can now have complete out-of-the-box integration with Windows Server 2008 load balancing, giving "hands-free" failover to mission-critical applications.
  • Reporting Package – Assembles critical information about the use and optimization of the grid, with easy-to-understand charts and graphs, flagging of critical information, and drill-down capability, giving enterprises fully integrated optimization of grid performance, with tracking of who contributes to and who benefits from grid resources

The Digipede Network is deployed at leading enterprises worldwide to accelerate and scale a broad variety of applications. The Digipede Network 2.1 supports Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008, Windows HPC Server 2008, and other Windows Server 2008 products, allowing developers to write .NET Framework-based or COM-based applications that take advantage of hundreds or thousands of computers. This makes powerful grid computing solutions practical, easy and affordable for Windows-based systems. Additional information on the various Digipede Networks editions can be found at its Web site.