CFP for SC07 Disruptive Technologies Activity Released

CALL for Disruptive Technology Exhibit Proposals: SC07: 20th International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, November 12-16, 2007, Reno, Nevada: First introduced at SC06 as Exotic Technologies, Disruptive Technologies (DT) will return at SC07. Generally speaking, a disruptive technology is a technological innovation, product, or service that eventually overturns the existing dominant technology or product in the market. SUBMISSION SITE: In the Disruptive Technologies feature, SC07 will examine those technologies that may significantly change the world of HPC in the next five to fifteen years. Consisting of panel sessions and competitively-selected exhibits, Disruptive Technologies will showcase technologies that are not currently on industry’s technology roadmaps. Technologies like reconfigurable computing, heterogeneous multi-core chips, holographic storage, and novel cooling techniques may offer near-term benefits, while quantum computing, chip level optical interconnects, and fundamental material breakthroughs offer potentially paradigm-changing benefits over the long term. The SC07 Disruptive Technologies committee will select four technologies for display on the SC07 Exhibit floor to allow attendees the opportunity to witness technology demonstrations and hold in-depth technical discussions. Winners will receive free exhibit floor space in a high visibility location. We invite submissions from industry, academia, and government researchers for this Disruptive Technologies Exhibit Showcase. Submissions will be evaluated on several criteria including potential impact on performance and cost of HPC systems, possibility of realization, and novelty. Submissions must include a 150 word abstract addressing these criteria and a 50 word description of how the exhibit space will be used. Also, submissions may include an optional research paper or presentation (in PDF format) that describes the technology in more detail. Submissions with exceptional merit may be offered the opportunity to present their technology at one of the two DT panel sessions. The submission site is Submission issues for papers should be directed to Important dates (all times EDT): Submissions open: April 20, 2007 00:00 Submissions close: May 21, 2007 23:00 Notifications: June 8, 2007 Disruptive Technologies Chair Jeffrey Vetter, Oak Ridge National Lab and Georgia Tech Disruptive Technologies Committee Richard Linderman, AFRL Gary D Hughes, DOD Erik P DeBenedictis, Sandia National Laboratories SC07, the premier international conference on high-performance computing, networking, storage and analysis, provides a forum of the highest quality for scientists and engineers to present their latest research findings in one of most rapidly changing technical fields. Sponsors: ACM SIGARCH/IEEE Computer Society