Platform Signs Global Grid Computing Agreement With IBM

TORONTO, CANADA - Platform Computing Inc. announced that it has signed a global master relationship agreement (MRA) with IBM Corp. to market and deploy Grid computing solutions to joint customers around the world. The scope of the alliance includes worldwide marketing, collaborative selling, software integration, implementation services, product development and performance optimization. This agreement represents a joint commitment to pursue the worldwide Grid computing market, which is estimated to grow from US$180 million today to US$4.1 billion by 2005, according to industry estimates Grid Computing Partners, Global Grid Computing Report, July 2002. Platform, which was already an IBM Business Partner prior to today's agreement, will be part of IBM's worldwide go-to-market Grid strategy and is currently the only vendor that will engage in all five industries IBM is targeting: aerospace, automotive, financial markets, government and life sciences. Under the alliance, IBM will integrate Platform's Grid computing software solutions -- including Platform LSF, Symphony, and Intelligence -- with IBM's middleware, eServer technology and e-business on-demand solutions to deliver comprehensive Grid solutions for the financial services, life sciences, manufacturing and public sector markets. IBM Global Services (IGS) along with Platform Professional Services will provide consulting, customization and integration services to its customers. To launch and promote these integrated e-business solutions, IBM and Platform will develop a co-marketing program that includes joint participation in targeted industry events and other customer-focused activities. Platform will also provide its Grid software solutions at IBM's Global Grid Design Centers, which offer commercial customers the unique opportunity to explore Grid computing and obtain access to a grid to run prototype grid projects According to Robert Gordon, President and CEO of Platform Computing: "This alliance extends our strong relationship with IBM and extends the reach and scope of our Grid computing solutions. Through the combined core competencies of our two firms, customers can expect solutions they can trust, that reach the market faster and that help them do more with their existing business infrastructure. By solidifying our partnership, Platform is proving our technology as the foundation for the Grid computing, on-demand computing and Web services visions." To step up the adoption of commercial Grid computing, Platform and IBM will also collaborate to accelerate Grid standards. The two companies will work with the Global Grid Forum and other members of the grid community to define and establish the Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) as an industry standard. OGSA is a set of specifications and standards that combine the benefits of Grid computing and web services to improve interoperability. This alliance represents a significant expansion of IBM and Platform's existing relationship. Platform and IBM have had a number of customer successes in financial services, life sciences and manufacturing, including AstraZeneca, BASF, the France Telethon's "Decrypthon" project, and the Italian National Agency for New Technology, Energy and the Environment (ENEA).