IBM Global Financing and Juniper Networks Announce Financing Program

IBM Global Financing announced today that it has signed a five-year agreement to provide Juniper Networks with a leasing and financing program. The financing will be used to provide Juniper's worldwide corporate and small-business customers with a wide variety of payment plans to acquire the company's hardware, software and services. In addition, IBM Global Financing will provide asset-backed, inventory and floor-financing for Juniper's business partners in Europe. "This marks an important step in the evolution of our company," said Frank Vitagliano, vice president Worldwide Channels and U.S. Enterprise Operations at Juniper Networks. "Our competitive positioning in the marketplace is strong, and this new relationship with IBM Global Financing partners us with the world's leading IT financing company. As we focus on accelerating growth opportunities with corporate and small-business customers, we couldn't ask for a better partner than IBM." "Juniper is a rapidly growing networking company and IBM Global Financing is pleased to have been selected as a key partner. Our extensive country reach, large global sales team and significant customer base will help drive Juniper's corporate growth plans," said John Callies, general manager of IBM Global Financing. "Juniper has excellent growth potential and we're proud to play a role in its future."