Solarflare Chief Architect to Share Experience in Developing High-Performance 10GbE Networking Solutions

Dr. David Riddoch, chief software architect from Solarflare Communications will speak at the IEEE Hot Interconnects conference on Google's Campus in Mountain View, CA, August 18-20. The Symposium is the premier international forum for researchers and developers of state-of-the-art hardware and software architectures and implementations for interconnection networks of all scales. The two days of technical sessions are led by Fabrizio Petrini from IBM, and TJ Watson and Dennis Abts of Google. Riddoch will speak to attendees in the networking and supercomputing community about issues at multiple levels, ranging from multi-core on-chip interconnects to those within systems, clusters and data centers.

Stuck with Sockets

Why is the network programming interface still from the 1980s?

When: Wednesday, August 18 at 5:15pm PT

Where: Google Campus, Mountain View, CA

Moderator: Patrick Geoffray, Myricom

Panelists: Dr. David Riddoch, chief software architect, Solarflare

Communications; Conor Allen, technology vice president, NYSE; Steve Buchko,

Solace Systems; Todd Montgomery, principal software architect, 29West; Jeff

Squyres, open MPI architect, Cisco; Tom Tucker, CEO, Open Grid Computing

Networking technologies for high-performance interconnects are advancing rapidly, alongside computing technologies that are improving in the areas of performance, scalability and power consumption. Yet, the coupling of computing to networking technologies via programming interfaces has barely changed in the past 25 years. During this session, Dr. Riddoch and other panelists will confront the problem of communications software in the interconnect race. Speakers and attendees will engage in a friendly debate about the longevity of the industry's continued use of Sockets / IP, applications or middleware that support multiple software interfaces, how the communication layer affects performance, and the future of interface / protocol software that will dominate the market. An industry veteran, Dr. Riddoch will provide insight on the above points and share his experience in developing Solarflare high-performance, low-latency 10 Gigabit Ethernet solutions.

To schedule an appointment to meet with Solarflare during the event, please contact Brittney Wolff at