Force10 CTO speaks at Next Generation Optical Networking

Chair of the IEEEP802.3ba Task Force to Report on Current State and Future Plans for IEEE’s 40/100 GbE Standards



Force10 Networks today announced that John D’Ambrosia, Director, Ethernet-Based Standards, CTO Office, will speak at the WDM & Next Generation Optical Networking Conference on June 15. The conference will be held at the Fairmont Monte Carlo in Monaco June 14-17.

D’Ambrosia, in addition to his technology development work at Force10, also chairs the IEEE P802.3ba Task Force, which is driving the standards development process for 40 Gb/s (Gigabits per second) and 100 Gb/s Ethernet. The standard is expected to be ratified later in June, 2010.

D’Ambrosia’s presentation, titled “40Gb/s and 100Gb/s Ethernet—No Longer Jumping by 10,” will examine the need for higher speed Ethernet, provide an overview of the soon-to-be-ratified standard and address whether the 100 Gb/s standard will be enough to meet future needs.