Prepare Now for GlobusWORLD 2004

Organizers now accepting reservations and poster abstracts for January 2004 event. Preparations are underway for GlobusWORLD 2004, which will take place at the Westin St. Francis in San Francisco's Union Square on January 20-23, 2004. With three days of the latest grid information for users at all levels and a fourth day devoted to workshops, the event addresses a growing community that has turned to the Globus Toolkit as the open-source Grid solution. Globus is a key component of NPACI's and SDSC's activities in grid computing, including the NPACI Grid and NPACKage. GlobusWORLD 2004 builds on the successes of the inaugural GlobusWORLD in January 2003. The main conference , held Tuesday through Thursday, January 20-22, will feature parallel plenary sessions of Globus and grid-related content for attendees from both industry and science -- technical updates, interactive panels, and practical training and instruction. Each track includes a variety of distinguished invited speakers, lecturers, interactive panels, roundtable discussions. In addition to the three-day conference, GlobusWORLD 2004 offers attendees an opportunity to delve more deeply into key topic areas with day-long practitioner workshops held on Friday, January 23. GlobusWORLD attendees will learn and exchange information about the latest Globus Toolkit technology and solutions. Technical topics will include the Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) and Open Grid Services Infrastructure (OGSI), which are foundations of GT 3.0. This latest version of the toolkit has been redesigned using the new OGSA/OGSI specifications, which are making Grids easier to design and implement than ever before by using popular Web service standards. Other technologies to be featured at GW 2004 include security, resource management, data access and integration, autonomic computing, monitoring and discovery, service management, provisioning, meta-scheduling, workflow, and Web services. Grid solutions will be a second broad category of GlobusWORLD 2004's content. IT professionals who have successfully implemented Globus Toolkit-based grids will describe their benefits and tradeoffs. Examples will include data- and compute-intensive applications, tele-instrumentation, Grid collaboration, utility computing, and Grid services. Attendees will learn about the Grid’s role in plans to formulate a cyberinfrastructure for e-science and e-business. Advance registration is now open for GlobusWORLD 2004. Sign up via The organizers are actively soliciting proposals for poster presentations that describe original work in any area that involves the research, development, and application of Globus Toolkit based grids. The deadline for submission of poster abstracts is October 24, 2003. The poster session will be held January 20, 2004, from 6:00pm to 7:30p.m. in the Colonial Room of the hotel. All proposals and questions should be sent to See for more information. Hotel reservations are available by calling 415-397-7000. You must reference GlobusWORLD to obtain the special rate of $159 per night (plus tax). Rooms are going quickly.