BYU Professor Completes TenFold-Powered Application in Record Time

SALT LAKE CITY -- TenFold(R) Corporation (BULLETIN BOARD: TENF) , provider of the Universal Application(TM) platform for building and implementing enterprise applications, today announced the successful completion, in record time, of a knowledge collaboration application developed by Brigham Young University visiting associate computer science professor, Yuri Tijerino. Dr. Tijerino used a pre-beta version of the TenFold product, code-named Tsunami(TM), and completed an application in just one day of combined effort, which he estimated would have taken him up to six months with any other technology. "I'm now a believer in TenFold's claim to reduce design, development and deployment time of complex applications by at least ten times," said Dr. Tijerino. "After attending a presentation on the Tsunami initiative by TenFold Founder and CTO, Jeff Walker, I decided to accept the challenge to do something important, fast. I've wanted to research and publish on the concept of technology-assisted knowledge collaboration, but felt existing applications development technology would take many months of work. Not including the RDBMS design phase, I built the complete application in two half-day sessions. That's one day. Versus six months. By my calculation, even assuming a five-day workweek, this is a one-hundred-to-one acceleration. So 'ten fold' is a gross understatement." Dr. Tijerino's knowledge collaboration application allows team- and company-wide queries for answers to a variety of questions. It recommends likely people who can solve a given problem, and "learns" as people seeking information rate their sources and the system responses. In addition, contributors who have "Ah-ha!" moments can add to the knowledge base before questions are asked. "TenFold technology delivered not only speed, but quality and power too," continues Dr. Tijerino. "Because I didn't write any code and only used pre- existing functionality, the typical quality problems created by newly-written code are non-existent in my application." "Just as it is practically impossible to write a spreadsheet that doesn't work perfectly," explains TenFold founder and CTO, Jeffrey L. Walker, "it is also impossible to produce a TenFold-powered application without the eleven quality attributes we associate with a fully-tested and production-ready application. Quality is just built-in because TenFold's technology renders the application automatically." Concludes Dr. Tijerino, "Every time I thought of a feature I'd like in my application, it already existed. I just had to turn it on. These features spanned the gamut from security by value, to instantaneous redesign of everything from look-and-feel, to browser/desktop availability, to massive database redesign. Nothing else anywhere else that I know has this kind of inherent power." "It was fun to work with Dr. Tijerino," said Bruce Tow, a TenFold co-founder who assisted the BYU professor with his database design. "What a thrill to show a computer scientist who really understands enterprise applications what we have. I loved the expressions on his face as new parts of his application appeared, piece by piece, every few minutes."