CA to Aggressively Support Oracle 10g

ISLANDIA, N.Y., -- Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA) today announced it will aggressively support Oracle's next- generation database and middle-tier technology, which includes Oracle Database 10g and Oracle Application Server 10g. By providing a full range of management, security and implementation solutions for Oracle 10g, CA will enable customers to optimize the performance, cost-efficiency and reliability of mission-critical database applications. The CA solutions will further extend the company's leadership in managing Oracle-based environments. CA's support for Oracle 10g across Linux, UNIX and Windows is a key component of its overall strategy for helping customers execute their on- demand computing strategies. Oracle 10g is specifically designed to enable grid computing. Together, Oracle and CA create a powerful platform that is easy to administer for their mutual enterprise customers. "Oracle 10g's highly reliable enterprise grid functionality, combined with the unique resource management capabilities provided by CA's Managing On- Demand Computing solutions, will enable customers to lower their application delivery costs and optimize service quality," said Don LeClair, vice president in the Office of the CTO at CA. "CA will continue to deliver the industry's most advanced management, security and development solutions for the Oracle environment across our award-winning product lines." CA is a certified partner of the Oracle PartnerNetwork, and has participated extensively in the Oracle Database 10g Beta Program. To meet its stringent testing requirements, CA has built its own dedicated Oracle 10g certification lab to offer a series of validated management solutions that enhance and support Oracle technology. "CA has clearly made a very strong commitment to Oracle 10g technology, and we will continue working closely together to ensure that our mutual customers gain the full benefits of the substantial synergies between our respective product lines," said Julie Tung, vice president, Global Alliances and Channels at Oracle. "These synergies will be particularly valuable as organizations move towards a utility model for their information processing infrastructure, since the combination of Oracle 10g and CA management tools is well-suited for such next-generation IT environments."