Open Standard for Utility Computing Backed

DALLAS -- About 25 technology companies are backing a new language to simplify computing for corporations and make it easier and cheaper for data centers to exchange information. The open standard, called Data Center Markup Language or DCML, is designed to boost so-called utility computing and will be ready early next year, officials said. Electronic Data Systems Corp. and software company Opsware Inc. proposed the new industrywide standard Tuesday in Boston. Supporters include Computer Associates International Inc., BEA Systems and Akamai Technologies Inc. The standard would allow companies to automate more of the functions of running computer systems that use incompatible equipment and software from different vendors. Marc Andreessen, the chairman of Opsware and co-founder of Web browser pioneer Netscape Communications, compared the proposed standard to the advent of HTML for Web browsers, which standardized making content in different formats readily available on the Internet. "The role that a standard can play is really fundamental,'' he said. "Standards have always accelerated adoption'' of new technology. In recent years, many companies have shifted their data centers to Internet-based systems, causing an explosion in demand for servers and software -- often from several different vendors. Companies have hired huge information-technology staffs to handle their increasingly complex data-center operations and other management and technology systems that often can't talk to each other. EDS vice chairman Jeff Heller said the standard would help meet demands from corporate and government customers to operate their call centers faster, better and cheaper. EDS also hopes the standard will give it more leverage to challenge IBM, which encourages customers to buy their equipment from one vendor. Heller said an open standard for running data centers would mean customers wouldn't have to do that, and added that the open standard "will be very helpful in our struggle with IBM.'' IBM, Hewlett-Packard and Sun Microsystems are pushing their own, closed-end initiatives to automate data center operations. Donna Scott, an analyst with research firm Gartner, said freer exchange of information between data centers is needed for utility computing to deliver on its promise of better service and reduced costs. Without something like the new markup language, information-technology operations will continue to struggle and managing them will remain very labor-intensive, she said. Opsware, formerly known as Loudcloud Inc., makes software for corporate information-technology departments. EDS, based near Dallas, bought Opsware's online services business. EDS runs computer systems and call centers for corporate and government customers.