UK Technology Company Contributes to Grid Alliance

Paremus Ltd. is proud to join leading technology companies and become a Sponsor Member of the Enterprise Grid Alliance (EGA), a consortium formed to develop enterprise grid solutions and accelerate the deployment of grid computing in enterprises. Formed in 2001 by senior IT architects from the investment banking industry, Paremus brings a wealth of pragmatic experience and practical knowledge to the development of enterprise grid solutions. "Next generation business applications will be built upon self-healing, dynamically scalable and functionally evolvable compute fabrics," said Dr. Richard Nicholson, CTO Paremus. "Our ongoing research, and development of robust, self-healing, Jini service-oriented application framework solutions with advanced network, storage, and server technologies, means we have much to contribute to the EGA." The EGA is an open, independent and vendor-neutral community addressing the near-term requirements for deploying commercial applications in a grid environment. Initial focus areas include reference models, provisioning, security and accounting. The Alliance will address obstacles that organizations face in using enterprise grids through open, interoperable solutions and best practices. By focusing exclusively on the needs of enterprise users, the EGA will enable businesses to realize the many benefits of grid computing such as faster response to changing business needs, better utilization and service level performance and lower IT operating costs. "The EGA is an open consortium focused on pragmatic grid solutions in the enterprise," said Donald Deutsch, president, Enterprise Grid Alliance and vice president, standards strategy and architecture, Oracle Corp. ?We are very pleased to have Paremus join the organisation alongside other solutions providers, as well as major grid hardware and software component vendors. Adding Paremus and its financial services specialization will further extend the reach of the EGA." "Grid computing will revolutionize the way our clients deploy IT resources," said Mike Francis, Business Development Manager, Paremus. "As a founding member of the EGA, we will be focusing on the needs of the enterprise in order to encourage the proliferation of enterprise grid computing. With solutions developed specifically for enterprise grids, companies will be able to realize unprecedented cost, resilience and agility benefits."