Schlumberger launches Enterprise Data Solution during the Schlumberger Digital Forum

Customers will make data-driven decisions faster, at scale, through fully integrated cloud-native solutions powered by Microsoft Energy Data Services

At the Schlumberger Digital Forum 2022, which is taking place this week in Lucerne, Switzerland, Schlumberger has announced the commercial release of the Schlumberger Enterprise Data Solution, which is powered by Microsoft Energy Data Services. Developed to deliver the most comprehensive capabilities for subsurface data—in alignment with the emerging requirements of the OSDU Technical Standard, a new open industry standard for energy data—the Enterprise Data Solution makes data accessible on an unprecedented scale for the global energy industry.

This technology enables customers to integrate subsurface data with technologies and workflows from multiple vendors. It is a single, open and interoperable platform with embedded artificial intelligence (AI) and powerful data management tools, which support and accelerate scalable, data-driven decision-making at all levels of the organization.

Microsoft Energy Data Services is a fully managed, enterprise-grade OSDU data platform co-built with domain expertise from Schlumberger, which powers the Enterprise Data Solution. Supported by a global network of specialist development centers around the world including the U.S., India, and Europe, the companies work together to continuously bring new capabilities to market, as well as to provide sales, service, and technical support.

“A global cloud-based data solution, developed by Schlumberger and powered by the Microsoft Cloud, means the energy industry can confidently and fully embrace its digital transformation,” said Rajeev Sonthalia, president, of Digital & Integration, Schlumberger. “Together, Schlumberger’s energy and subsurface data expertise and Microsoft’s experience in scaling cloud-based data solutions in an open interoperable data platform, have successfully unlocked the full potential of data. Accelerating time to value from AI and digital solutions creates significant new opportunities to increase productivity and boost performance. This is the future of data management for the energy industry.”

"A critical aspect of the energy transition process is harnessing data solutions that improve decision making and increase operational efficiency,” said Scott Guthrie, executive vice president, of Cloud + AI Group, Microsoft. “The Schlumberger Enterprise Data Solution, powered by Microsoft Energy Data Services and built on Microsoft Azure, enables organizations in the energy industry to gain greater control of their data and unlock insights that accelerate their journey to data modernization.”

This fully integrated cloud-native enterprise data solution enables end-to-end data-driven workflows scalable to customers’ organizations. Full upstream data capabilities will expand from subsurface to production to well construction and welcome the transition to new and low-carbon energy sources. The Enterprise Data Solution will also accelerate advanced workflows to screen, assess and design carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) projects to support the rapidly growing demand for large-scale COsequestration. Data previously held in poorly connected silos can now flow freely across an unbroken data landscape to allow AI and automation to work at a previously unimagined scale.

Extraordinary new capabilities and workflows promise to deliver faster and more accurate decision-making, reducing the time it takes for customers to extract additional value from their digitalization strategies.

Early adopters of these exciting new technologies include both PETRONAS and Chevron. PETRONAS has liberated petabytes of E&P data for users, integrating 12 corporate data stores to a single data platform and improving data management efficiency, and optimizing infrastructure. Chevron is working in partnership with Schlumberger and Microsoft to accelerate the creation of digital technologies across its value chain globally.

“Chevron is committed to our collective vision for digital innovation in energy solutions and to working collaboratively to deliver this vision. It is great to see our strategic partners, Microsoft and Schlumberger, embracing the open, industry-data foundation to build innovative products at enterprise scale,” said Kevin Chambers, VP Subsurface, Chevron. “As an early adopter of the OSDU Data Platform, Chevron believes ‘the best is yet to come,’ as we continue to drive innovative capabilities in the OSDU community via our people and industry collaborations and synergies.”