Ethernet Alliance Announces Its Participation at the 2007 BladeSystems Insight C

Ethernet Alliance to host industry session on Ethernet in the data center; Brad Booth to participate in Blade Community Panel with other industry leaders: The Ethernet Alliance, an industry group dedicated to the continued success and expansion of Ethernet technology, today announced its participation at the BladeSystems Insight Conference, April 10-12 at the Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort and Spa in Savannah, Georgia. Members of the Ethernet Alliance including Broadcom, Cisco, NetEffect and NetXen will lead an industry presentation titled, "Is Ethernet the Unifying Fabric for the Next-Generation Data Center?" Brad Booth, president of the Ethernet Alliance, will participate in a Blade Community Panel sponsored by the Association of Information Technology Professionals. The panel will bring together for the first time the presidents and senior leaders of organizations including American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE),, Blade Systems Alliance, Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), and Open Grid Forum (OGF). The schedules for the panel sessions taking place on Thursday, April 12 are as follows: Blade Community Panel 8:15 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Grand Ballroom ABC Moderated by: Andreas Antonopoulos, Senior Vice President and Founding Partner, Nemertes Panel members: Don Beaty, ASHRAE; Doug Balog, Chairman,; Jim Hall, President, Blade Systems Alliance; Winston Bumpus, President, DMTF; Brad Booth, President, Ethernet Alliance; Mark Linesch, President/CEO, OGF Ethernet Alliance Hosted Panel "Is Ethernet the Unifying Fabric for the Next-Generation Data Center?" 1:05 p.m. - 1:35 p.m. Grand Ballroom ABC Moderated by: Jerald Murphy Senior Vice President, Director of Research, Robert Francis Group Panel members: Vinod Lakhani, Director Product Marketing, Enterprise Controllers, Broadcom; Douglas Gourlay, Senior Director of Marketing for Cisco Systems Data Center Technology Group in the Central Marketing Organization; Robert Hays, Strategic Planner for Networking Products, Intel; Rick Maule, CEO, NetEffect; Vikram Karvat, Senior Director of Marketing, NetXen The Blade Systems Alliance (BladeS) is a forum for end users, consultants and vendors who are interested in the deployment and application of blade systems. In cooperation with the worldwide community of advanced users of modular and blade-based computing systems, the Alliance has the mission of promoting multi-user standards for modular systems management and racking; working with the user community to address real-world data center and advanced computing issues; and delivering information, programs and forums to educate and inform. For further information, visit its Web site.