Sun and AMD to Offer New iForce Partner Program for the Opteron

With today's announcement that Sun Microsystems, Inc. (NASDAQ:SUNW) and AMD (NYSE:AMD) have formed an alliance to deliver a broad range of AMD Opteron(TM) processor-based systems, Sun also announced it plans to offer its Java(TM) Enterprise System on the AMD Opteron processor and is significantly extending the reach of its Solaris(TM) Operating System (OS) and leadership in the 64-bit space. The alliance intends to provide increased market opportunities for ISVs, OEMs, and channel partners by offering an industrial strength, affordable platform that has been fully optimized and tuned for the 64-bit AMD Opteron processor. With the Sun Java Enterprise System and tools on the Solaris OS for the AMD Opteron processor, customers can also benefit from the seamless scalability from single systems to entire compute farms. Building on more than 20 years of OS innovation and a solid history with the 64-bit platform, the Solaris OS is built for 32- and 64-bit application co-existence, enabling maximized performance for existing 32-bit applications. "Sun is in a unique competitive position against HP and IBM -- who now find themselves lacking an operating system on either Intel or AMD Opteron, and fighting a systems war without weaponry," said Jonathan Schwartz, executive vice president, software at Sun. "Sun's commitment to Solaris and the Java Enterprise System across multiple operating systems, shows us to be the only systems vendor offering a single system capable of running across multiple microprocessors -- Intel, AMD Opteron and SPARC. With nearly 500,000 Solaris licenses delivered into the market this year alone, our focus on volume, scale and security stands as a beacon for HP and IBM customers facing a dead-end Unix, and Microsoft customers frustrated with security and fragility. They both now have a safe landing zone, based on open standards, and available on all industry standard hardware." As part of the alliance, Sun and AMD plan to collaborate to optimize the performance of the Solaris OS, the Java platform and developer tools for AMD Opteron processor-based systems. The Solaris OS on the 64-bit AMD Opteron processor platform is expected to be available in the first half of 2004 through Sun's innovative early-access Software Express for Solaris program. Furthermore, Sun and AMD intend to work jointly with the Linux community to define and promote a 64-bit UNIX(R)-Linux Application Binary Interface (ABI) to enable interoperability. UNIX or Linux applications could run natively on any operating systems supporting this ABI. "By running the current version of the Solaris OS on the AMD Opteron processor platform, we are experiencing substantial improvements in kernel performance for Solaris over other x86-based systems," said John Fowler, chief technology officer, software, Sun Microsystems. "With the Solaris OS running on the AMD Opteron processor, our customers and partners can take advantage of unique features such as containers delivering virtualization and high levels of security. Solaris has led the industry in proven military grade security built-in to the OS, and with Trusted Solaris(TM) OS, offering unmatched levels of privacy." By offering its innovative Java Enterprise System software stack for both the Solaris OS and Linux on the AMD Opteron processor, Sun can bring huge value-add to the AMD Opteron processor platform and thus create new possibilities for ISVs and resellers in new markets. Key components of the Java Enterprise System are identity, directory, portal and availability servers. "Sun's commitment to the AMD Opteron processor platform further catapults our growing ISV support for enterprise customers," said Marty Seyer, vice president and general manager of the Microprocessor Business Unit at AMD. "This alliance can deliver what enterprise customers have been asking for -- a simplified transition to 64-bit computing combined with a mature x86 architecture and a proven enterprise operating system." Sun and AMD plan to provide ISVs and developers with the information, tools, and community required to speed their solutions to market. The companies intend to collaborate to produce the Sun/AMD Developer Resource Kit which will include the Solaris OS, Linux support information, the AMD Developer Resource Kit, the Sun Java Studio (including C, C++, and Java development tools), Getting Started information, and access to the iForce(TM) Partner Program for the AMD Opteron processor. They also intend to include the Java System Studio 8 Compiler Collection for the Solaris OS, delivering complete language systems and tools designed to simplify software development. A seed unit program for ISVs is also planned. Information on the iForce Partner Program for the AMD Opteron processor, and the Sun/AMD Developer Resource Kit is available at Sun's new AMD Opteron processor-based systems along with the robust offerings of Sun Java Software Systems with the Solaris OS or Linux can greatly strengthen the product portfolios of Sun's iForce(SM) channel and reseller partners, extending their product lines for low-cost, high-performance computing and expanding their opportunities to compete in new markets, as well as exceeding customer satisfaction within their existing installed base.