£40 million computer research center

Edinburgh University will build a £40 million computer research center. A study predicts that the planned center which was announced at a dinner attended by the Duke of Edinburgh, the university’s chancellor, at Holyrood Palace in Scotland last night, will lead within 15 years to the creation of 550 jobs and an annual income of £41.7 million. The university also believes that the center will eventually generate more than 180 start-up companies across Britain. These should create more than 7,000 jobs and a turnover of around £580 million. Scottish Enterprise is closely involved in the scheme, which is a blue print for ministerial ambitions to underpin the Scottish economy with companies created from advanced research in universities. Outside the United States, Edinburgh University is widely considered the leading authority on the new science of informatics, which includes computer science, artificial intelligence and cognitive science. It will also have under its roof "incubator" space for start-up companies and a department of E-science - which is revolutionizing the way scientists work with data.