ESRI BeLux Wins Major Belgian Cadastre Contract

Redlands, California -- ESRI, the leading developer of geographic information system (GIS) software, announces that ESRI BeLux has won a major cadastre contract in Belgium. The Belgian Ministry of Finances Administration of Cadastre, Registration, and Domains has awarded ESRI BeLux a contract for the delivery of more than 300 lightweight and heavyweight software licenses for cadastral use, based upon ESRI's ArcGIS and ArcView 8.3 software including the ArcGIS Survey Analyst extension. The system will be deployed in all the local offices across the country. Within the framework of its master plan for informatics, the Ministry of Finances intends to computerize its cadastral map production to expedite the 200,000 modifications that are made annually to the database. During the first phase, the vectorized cadastral maps will be managed with the new tools. At the same time, the geometric quality will be cross-checked and significantly improved. The goal is to transition toward a real enterprise GIS environment. Michel Dechef, general auditor of finances at the ministry, says, "We want to evolve toward a true GIS-based cadastral system, and we felt most confident with the solutions proposed by ESRI BeLux. Through the introduction of this system, the Belgian cadastre will significantly enhance the service delivered to the Belgian public." ESRI BeLux is committed to assisting the Belgian cadastre in implementing its software infrastructure in anticipation of its evolution into an integrated GIS solution.