San Diego and Montpellier, France – Entropia Inc., the leading provider of PC grid computing solutions, announced that it’s working with IBM to provide prospective European grid customers with easy access and evaluation of PC grid computing technology through IBM’s Design Centre for eBusiness on demand. The Design Centre in Montpellier, France showcases the latest grid solutions in an easy, convenient, one-stop center that is designed to allow rapid evaluations via hands-on demonstrations, saving time and effort for enterprises considering grid computing solutions. Entropia’s DCGrid™, a powerful and cost-effective PC grid computing platform that provides high performance computing capabilities by aggregating the unused processing cycles of networks of existing Windows-based PCs, has been installed at IBM’s Design Centre for eBusiness on demand, where it is available for demonstrations and review by customers along with other grid technologies. In addition, worldwide IBM sales, technical teams and their customers who want to understand more about grid computing can access DCGrid, through the IBM Intra-Grid without having to travel. “Key to a company’s grid strategy is the interoperability of its entire compute infrastructure,” said Philippe Bricard, manager of grid computing solutions sales in EMEA, IBM. “PC grids provide a readily available and underutilized resource that can immediately extend an organization’s compute power. By welcoming grid leaders such as Entropia into its Design Centre, IBM aims to provide customers with an opportunity to test leading-edge grid software and solutions.” “PC grids give more choices of effective deployment of distributed computing applications. More choices allow enterprises to decide where to run distributed applications based on their characteristics, resource availability and QOS needs,” said Bill Philbin, senior vice president of product development and COO. “IBM’s Design Centre in France is an immense value as it allows companies to see and compare different high performance computing solutions. We’re pleased to be working with IBM in providing PC grid solutions for this ‘first of its kind’ center.”