ESS GmbH Selects SGI High-Performance Servers for Eurofighter Simulators

LILLE, FRANCE -- SGI (NYSE: SGI) announced today that it was selected by Eurofighter Simulation Systems GmbH (ESS GmbH) to supply SGI® high-performance servers to the Simulator Specific System (SSS), part of the Eurofighter ``Typhoon'' Aircrew Synthetic Training Aids (EF ASTA) program. SGI made the announcement at the 13th annual International Training and Education Conference (ITEC) held in Lille, France, April 9-11, 2002. EF ASTA is the largest and most advanced fast-jet training program in Europe. The purchase agreement signed in October 2001 between ESS GmbH and SGI calls for the delivery of SGI® Origin® 3000 series servers and related services for pilot training devices, which will be deployed in Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom over the next eight years. ``ESS GmbH selected SGI because of the unprecedented scalability, modularity and real-time capabilities of the SGI Origin 3000 series required for the Eurofighter's complex computational tasks,'' said John Burwell, senior director, Government Industry, SGI. ``Our commitment to IRIX and the real-time capabilities of REACT are essential for host computing applications. In addition, the storage I/O capabilities of the Origin 3000 series are unparalleled in terms of performance, reliability and investment protection.'' Origin 3000 series servers with NUMA architecture deliver predictable real-time performance in a standard IRIX® operating environment, the most mature and robust UNIX® operating system in the industry. Included in every version of IRIX is REACT(TM) software, a unique capability among UNIX operating systems that enables users to configure any multiprocessor system for guaranteed real-time operation. REACT, which fully conforms to POSIX 1003.1b and 1003.1c, includes user-level interrupts and frame rate scheduler capabilities not found in many other UNIX operating systems. For additional information visit