SAM-650 DSP Supercomputer Delivers 192 GFLOPS over Low Latency StarFabric

Texas Memory Systems (TMS), manufacturer of the World’s Fastest Storage, today announced that it has teamed with semiconductor company StarGen to integrate the TMS SAM-650 DSP supercomputer with a StarFabric switched interconnect. The integration, requested by a mutual government agency customer, is expected to benefit multiple, military-grade embedded applications requiring extremely high performance and reliability. “StarFabric is a well established, proven interconnect technology,” said Holly Frost, CEO of Texas Memory Systems. “TMS DSP systems have historically sought out a wide variety of high-performance interconnects, and we anticipate that the new StarFabric interface for the SAM-650 will be a welcome option for many of our customers.” By providing 192 GFLOPS of processing power and 16 GB/second of shared storage bandwidth, the SAM-650 DSP Supercomputer eliminates most DSP performance bottlenecks associated with processing high bandwidth signals. It is designed to deliver extreme performance in a unit that is physically small, power efficient, and cost-effective. The StarFabric switched interconnect fabric is widely used in medical imaging, video serving, semiconductor test equipment, communication routers and switches, military command and control, and storage equipment. It is ideally suited for embedded systems needing enhanced switched PCI capability, as well as communication access platforms for voice, data and video networks. “We expect both government and commercial applications to benefit from the high performance capabilities of the combined solution,” said Tim Miller, StarGen CEO. “The high performance of the SAM-650 and the low latency and high throughput of StarFabric can boost the performance of these types of/any embedded application(s).” Since 1978, Texas Memory Systems has designed, manufactured, and marketed the fastest storage subsystems available. TMS provides solutions that offer the best value and highest performance available in the solid state disk and digital signal processing markets. More information is available at or by calling 713-266-3200. StarGen is a fabless semiconductor company providing advanced serial switched interconnect solutions for compute and communications equipment. It is the leading designer of low-overhead, protocol-agnostic, open standards-based serial switched architectures, which enable system designers to bring new capabilities to their system while using existing standards-based parts. StarGen's StarFabric product line benefits vendors of embedded systems needing enhanced switched PCI capability as well as vendors of access communication platforms for voice, data, and video networks. StarGen is also developing StarXpress, a complementary line of products built upon the Advanced Switching Interconnect standard and compatible with PCI Express™. These products will be ideal solutions for blade server, storage, and mid-range communications applications. StarGen's switched interconnect products provide a dramatic increase in equipment performance, scalability, reliability, and Quality of Service while maintaining backward compatibility to existing standards based hardware and software. StarGen ( is headquartered in Marlborough, MA.