Petrov Group Announces Annual IBM Tracking Service

The Petrov Group today announced the latest addition to its IBM Tracking Series of studies, reports, and services on the business dynamics of this unique innovator and trend-setting company. The new Annual IBM Tracking Service provides systematic and ongoing updates and insights into IBM's technology and business, and implications for customers and competitors across consumer digital media, enterprise, scientific, and other sectors. "The primary focus of our new annual service is on IBM's systems and technology business, research, and delivery of technology-based solutions and services. The service is an extension of our continuing independent IBM studies and reports since 1998," said Boris Petrov, managing partner of the Petrov Group. The service includes, but is not limited to, IBM's major cellular computing programs. The primary mission of these programs is to launch an entirely new class of supercomputers and servers -- successors to the landmark System/360 machine introduced in 1964 by Watson Jr., IBM's CEO. "We will be assessing the impact of this new IBM technology on systems along the entire cellular computing cascade. At the high end of this cascade are supercomputers, in the middle are workstations and servers, and at the bottom are personal gaming and other consumer entertainment devices -- all based on a common compute cell publicly referred to as Cell processor. Over the past five years IBM and Sony have concurrently engaged in bringing the new class computing cascade into commercial life within about the same 2005-2006 period; at the high end is IBM's world performance shattering super-computing system, the P-machine (for Petaflop, 10 to the 15th power floating point operations per second), and at the low end is Sony's super-entertainment system (PlayStation 3-class gaming console and related systems)." The new annual service includes twelve monthly and four quarterly reports, presentation and discussion worksessions, event-driven interpretations, and ongoing access to Petrov Group analysts for specific areas of interest and clarification. The Petrov Group, LLC, is a market research and strategy consulting firm that is focused on technology industries. It is renowned for pragmatic business and technology due diligence, always with the highest standards of independence and integrity. Boris Petrov founded the Petrov Group in 1981. More information on our firm and work is available at