Texas Advanced Computing Center To Host ScicomP

The tenth meeting of the IBM System Scientific Computing User Group (ScicomP) will be held Aug. 9-13, 2004, in Austin, Texas. ScicomP10 is being held in conjunction with the summer meeting of SP-XXL, a similar group with systems-oriented interests in large-scale scientific technical computing on IBM hardware. The combined meetings are being hosted by the Texas Advanced Computing Center of The University of Texas at Austin. The ScicomP meeting series allows computational scientists and engineers to learn about tools and techniques for developing applications that achieve maximum performance and scalability on all IBM HPC systems. Technical presentations will highlight recent results and advanced techniques, and will provide the kind of information, expertise, and experience that scientific and technical applications developers need but cannot easily find elsewhere, according to meeting organizers. The early registration deadline is Monday, July 23, and information can be found at: http://www.spscicomp.org/ScicomP10/ Students may register at reduced rates for both the technical sessions and the tutorials. Proposals for user and vendor presentations are being solicited now and abstracts for proposed user presentations can be submitted via the web. The deadline for submissions is Monday, July 16. "The tenth meeting of the IBM Scientific Computing User Group promises to be one of the most informative ever. We expect particularly strong presentations on the latest developments in IBM processor architectures and in system software, given that the home of the POWER design and AIX development teams are just five minutes away," said Bronis R. de Supinski, current ScicomP president. He added, "I am particularly looking forward to the keynotes. Jay Boisseau, the first ScicomP president and currently TACC Director, has promised some technical challenges in addition to a general description of TACC's activities. Also, Peg Williams from IBM will provide us with a broad overview of IBM's HPC software plans." The ScicomP 10 sessions will feature presentations from IBM research and development staff, on topics that will include hardware and software roadmaps for large systems, including that of the recent release of the POWER5 chip and the high-performance Federation switch; application development support software tools; performance programming, measurement, analysis, and tuning techniques. The meeting will also feature user presentations focusing on real-world experiences in porting, maintaining and running codes on large-scale systems. Topics will include code migration, scalable algorithms, hybrid programming models, exploiting system architectures, and scheduling and execution frameworks. Additionally, a day of tutorials will be presented by IBM staff and others. ] SP-XXL will also hold technical sessions at this meeting open to participants from SP-XXL member sites. "These are very exciting times in high performance computing and our second meeting co-located with ScicomP promises to capture many timely topics," said Nicholas P. Cardo, current SP-XXL chair and member of the Computational Systems Group at NERSC. "All attendees will benefit from the information presented in the combined sessions, particularly with the release of the new IBM POWER5 processor. SP-XXL members will have the opportunity to attend valuable ScicomP tutorials and participate in topics not typically discussed in SP-XXL meetings." More information on this meeting can be found on the ScicomP 10 web pages at http://www.spscicomp.org/ScicomP10/. The agenda will be updated as it develops. For questions regarding technical presentations, contact Bronis de Supinski at bronis@llnl.gov. For questions on registration, contact David Skinner at dskinner@nersc.gov. For questions on local accommodations contact Avi Purkayastha at avijit@tacc.utexas.edu. In addition to support from The University of Texas at Austin, sponsorship for this meeting is being provided by IBM Corp.